Example sentences of "and they will [vb infin] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If there 's a united Germany today , there 'll be another Hitler , and they 'll start another war .
2 He says the plan will be to open up a number of railway lines and connect local communities and they 'll make good family cycling ; not the steep gradients mountain bikers like , but nice gradients related to the old gradients of the railway lines .
3 Over and over again , maybe a hundred , hundred and fifty times in one match and they 'll make one mistake and usually like Coleman was there to c , I think Coleman backed up well and Gareth backed up well once or twice .
4 and they 'll get more money
5 You know , trying to attract people into the town — And they 'll need this land .
6 And they 'll have great difficulty telling your voice and mine apart wo n't they ?
7 The Profitboss can hire cleaners just as cheaply as a subcontractor , and they 'll take more pride in identifying with him and the company than with some boss once removed .
8 When they open an account they 'll receive a free account opening pack and , if they are over seven , they 'll also become members of the Barclays Supersavers Club and they 'll receive regular copies of the club magazine .
9 As a result of our decisions , we will now spend five times as much on the environmentally sensitive areas and they will cover three times more of the United Kingdom than previously — more than 12 per cent .
10 As I explained in my statement on 27 November , I have undertaken intensive discussions with a wide range of major and conflicting interest groups on possible ways of reforming the Sunday trading laws for England and Wales , and they will continue next year .
11 The danger is that , if the guillotine motion goes through , the writers of the suitcase full of letters from my constituency will feel outraged , and they will express that outrage in the way that one would expect .
12 They very much enjoy having guests to stay on a house-party basis and they will arrange daily activities and entertainments for most evenings .
13 ‘ Shut your hand up quick , and they will last all night . ’
14 What they already owned will be taken from them , and they will pay higher bills to feed cash to shareholders who 've done nothing .
15 Hospitals and financial services organisations are ones in which trust lies at the heart of the relationship and they will provide rich ground for exploring a variety of trusting relationships and testing out practical ideas about how trust is developed , maintained and improved .
16 Sometimes they can be given a lump of clay that is too heavy for them to lift and they will gain new experiences as they try to mould or divide it into pieces of a manageable size .
17 Instead , for instance , of saying a plant was ‘ biennial ’ , it was explained that you plant the seeds this year and they will flower next year .
18 For these purposes teachers will need to keep samples of children 's writing in order to monitor its range and development over the course of a key stage ; and they will need systematic means of recording and appraising the ways in which pupils approach writing tasks , including talking about what they are doing and why .
19 Voluntary organizations will need to demonstrate their willingness to work with people with severe long-term problems if they are going to contribute seriously to the real work of a service , and they will need professional support and training to do this more arduous work .
20 And all that let me tell you after Pisa looked so dangerous in the first eight minutes , clearly they 'd come out looking for the early goal themselves , and who was badly fouled by in the early stages and needed attention , he 's the number eight , and the number eleven , who looks as quick as any player I 've seen in ages and ages , they are the two danger men and they will need some marking .
21 Lord Hope , the Lord Justice-General , said : ‘ Banks in this country and their employees are entitled to expect support from the court and they will receive that support .
22 Chandos Herald , the Black Prince 's biographer , makes the prince reply to Charles V 's letter citing him to appear before the parlement of Paris by saying , ‘ Lords , by my faith it seems to me that the French think I am dead ; but if God gives me comfort , and I can get up from this bed , I will do them a great deal of harm even now , for God knows that they lack a good case , and they will have real cause to complain of me . ’
23 But their seamanship is excellent , and they will have coastal signals to help them .
24 Clearly , blind pupils will be those who depend on tactile and auditory means of learning , and they will require specialised equipment and additional elements in their curriculum such as braille , mobility and orientation , but other aspects of their educational needs will include careful consideration of language development , concept formation , social interaction and information processing .
25 In every case the person 's repertoire is gradually restricted , their confidence is eaten away , and they will lose all hope of ever being able to do these things again , and eventually stop trying altogether .
26 Customs recognise that the present uncertainty may cause problems for boat owners or potential owners , and they will issue hard information as soon as possible .
27 And they will read those reports and if we 're failing anywhere , they 'll highlight that .
28 And they will recall that day at Twickenham when Carling 's team observed the traditional formality of victory over Wales to secure its second Grand Slam .
29 In Genesis 2:24 he says , ‘ For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife , and they will become one flesh . ’
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