Example sentences of "and he was [adj] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 These things happen , he said as we were driving along , he 'd done something similar only a few weeks earlier , and he was used to being woken up by the police at 2 o'clock in the morning to rescue deer on the estate .
2 He wanted to take on the Glamorgan job again , whenever Butcher may decide to retire , and he was pleased to be thought a contender to take England to India if , as is expected , Graham Gooch opts out .
3 They were glad to have him in the gang and he was delighted to be among them .
4 I related the same story to a gentleman in this department , and he was unable to be of help — especially when I suggested to him that his department should not approve equipment that was unable to receive satisfactorily most of the NDBs in the UK .
5 But the exercise of editing had become for him a mechanical one , and he was glad to be rid of it .
6 This is a special outing and he was supposed to be here to take charge of this lot , but the poor fellow 's down with jaundice and I 'm standing in for him .
7 His defence was , therefore , that on the facts as he reasonably believed them to be , his use of force would not have been unlawful , and he was entitled to be acquitted according to the ordinary principles governing criminal liability .
8 A police spokesman said last night that Mr Kelsey 's condition was not life threatening and he was likely to be discharged from hospital today .
9 They were just friends , and he was fun to be with .
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