Example sentences of "and it [be] one [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's one of those slip roads where you off and other people join at the same place .
2 Well done , excellent , erm , as you can see , in some ways quite a complex er , issue , and it 's one of those things really , I think to fully understand this , you got to sit down with a pencil and paper and work it through yourself .
3 Yes , it 's the , the failure to keep bovine identification breed re records by two or three far farmers and it 's one of those things where if you 've got a lot of animals and you have n't marked them , then you get a lot of incorrects , and that 's why we 've got to go through it .
4 And it 's one of those things .
5 A developing developing regional democracy is erm is a difficult thing to get to get across and it 's one of those things that Liberal Democrats talk away for hours about at their Conferences .
6 Yes lovely , amino acids , right , it 's one particular amino acid there are eight essential amino , amino acids and it 's one of these and it 's called venial alanine you do n't have to remember that , it 's very difficult to , to remember .
7 So I opened it and it 's one of these things er if you book to go to Dublin before May the , whatever , the end of May
8 And it 's one of these .
9 Er and it 's one of these things where thinking about y your average heterosexual bloke they may respond angrily but there 's a suspicion that maybe it 's because they 're feeling rather threatened underneath sort of thing .
10 I asked her about the letter and she said she could n't remember anything about it but she filled in something when they came back from Belfast and she said open it , so I opened it and it 's one of these things er if you book to go to Dublin before May the whatever , the end of May , then if you went again in the Autumn , you you get er fifty pounds worth of vouchers or something , you go half price .
11 In 1927 six more toastracks were purchased , and it is one of these which survives at the National Tramway Museum today ( see 61 ) .
12 The fabliaux as a whole clearly imply a system of values that in many respects is quite conventional , and it is one of these values that directs that the lecherous priest should be the type that suffers most from the poetic justice of these texts .
13 A coach was stopping — it had German writing along the side , and it was one of those elegant ones with smoked glass that have loos and videos and champagne brought in ice-buckets like on Concorde .
14 I also had high hopes of the Electricity Board , particularly as I had taken to cutting ‘ Miss ’ off my meter reading cards with scissors and it was one of those cards you are n't allowed to cut or mutilate as it upsets the computer .
15 I crawled out into the alley and it was one of those blind alleys , y'know , blocked off at one end , so I had no way out .
16 And it was one of those such nights that at half past seven I 'd just got most of the fires set and ready to er er just on and going and I 'd half an hour to get everything straightened and ready for eight o'clock opening , and the door at the back went , which was where the office used to be .
17 Erm I was last night because I was all ready to come and the telephone rang and it was one of those
18 However , since this derailment , BR engineers have inspected the bogies at the end of each run , and it was one of these inspections which found the loose bolts last year .
19 That 's not too bad actually except the day the young men loaded it back onto the trailer when we 'd finished and it was one of these corners , and I happened to be muggins on the corner where that lever was , and he had n't tied it , it was only in the ratchet , you know , he should have tied it of course .
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