Example sentences of "and he [verb] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The cameraman then came on board and we left the quay ; we returned and he transferred to a motor boat to film us leaving the quay .
2 ‘ How many more of you are- ’ he broke off with a stifled gasp as a hand clutched the skin exposed at the side of his neck by his wide and unbuttoned collar , and he folded to the ground .
3 Laurence Hazell , defending Disley , said this was his first and last offence and he apologised to the householder for the burglary .
4 If you roll a double on the 2D6 roll then the Fanatic has met with an accident , wrapping the chain around his neck , or perhaps his heart just gives out and he collapses to the ground .
5 The stool he was standing on broke and he fell to the ground .
6 But the other merely advanced , and when he came up , put out a hand to touch the lady , whereupon our hero struck with all his might at his heart , and the glass splinter entered deeply and he fell to the ground .
7 Garty 's legs collapsed and he fell to the ground , a twitching moaning heap .
8 ‘ They bowled , Fred hit it — and he fell to the ground . ’
9 It hit poor Tom between the shoulders , and he fell to the ground with a cry .
10 A window fell on his fingers and he fell to the ground .
11 He did not restrict himself merely to giving his assent to publication , but added his comments , as , for example , on Two Treatises … concerning Infant Baptism ( 1645 ) by John Tombes [ q.v. ] , where he acknowledged that the author was a godly man ‘ and of the Presbyterian judgement , though I am not of opinion with him ’ and he agreed to the publication of these treatises to encourage further contributions to the debate on infant baptism .
12 The business community regognises him as ‘ one of us ’ , and he belongs to the generation which will be in its prime in 1997 .
13 Without trust , ’ and he came to a standstill and tipped his chin into the air , the thought still forming .
14 The hospital phoned Miguel that evening , and he came to the villa to tell Shelley , who had been sitting by the telephone .
15 He had learned well the value of preparation and organisation from Caradryel and he came to the throne with one aim : to force the Dark Elves out of Ulthuan and reclaim the Blighted Isle from the spawn of Naggaroth .
16 His attempts failed , and he came to the conclusion that the best that could be achieved was to specify , so far as one could , which observation statements were implied by which non-observation statements ( see the preface to Carnap , 1967 , and Quine , 1969 , p. 77 ) .
17 It was the first time Hugh had seen him , and he came to the encounter with sharp and wary interest .
18 And he went to the degree of saying , when I pressed him , how are we going to stay in this business ; he said , Albert , for all I know right now when I am talking to you , we could be finished with the business ; I do n't know . ’
19 So he walked in the opposite direction , and he went to the park to get away from the people he might know .
20 The next day , which was the Friday , O did n't work and he did n't eat ; he woke up late , stayed in bed until it was dark , got up at nine and dressed in his white shirt just like always and he went to The Bar looking for his heart 's desire one very last time , and that was the night that he met Boy .
21 After several months of stalling , he believed Hashemi had tricked him and he went to the United States to retrieve his money — and save his face with his ‘ superiors ’ in the PPP .
22 The interdependence of farming and mining , added to technological constraints , restricted the number of days annually available for mining ; the farmer-miner 's smallholding had first claim on his time , and he went to the mine with the limited aim of satisfying , with a minimum of effort , the desire for a particular level of cash-income expectation determined by the need to pay the rent of his holding and purchase a given packet of ‘ industrial ’ goods .
23 And he went to the doctor and the doctor said well you have n't got anything wrong with your skull but I 'll take your blood pressure .
24 And he went to the bank and he got him three thousand pound ready and he got this beautiful car , he had n't it eighteen months before he wrapped it round a tree .
25 Hands were shaken , waved , and he advanced to the rostrum , as the final extravagances burst around him .
26 O , the Fox went out on a chilly night and he prayed to the moon to give him light …
27 The traffic had started to move more freely now and he walked to the bus shelter at the roadside , and waited .
28 Mr Day had been with the club since the heady days of the Wembley play offs and he brought to the club new hope in the shape of player manager , Glenn Hoddle after the financial scandles which shook the County Ground .
29 Erm , Jack does gamble , erm , with his , with the dogs but he , but he also breeds them as well , and he goes to the dogs two or three times a week .
30 His industry was prodigious and he left to the Museum a volume of files , indexes , and notebooks filled with accurate and methodically arranged taxonomic work , together with his exceptionally fine library of works on Polyzoa and whales .
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