Example sentences of "and he [verb] that she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her eyes innocently wide , she gave a slow smile , because she had known it was a viewing platform , of course ; and he knew that she knew , which meant that he was teasing her , and that he was one of those people who always managed to keep a straight face .
2 And he knew that she found his pacifism stupid .
3 And he knew that she did n't believe him .
4 She was a reasonable woman , and he knew that she liked him .
5 He was amazed at how difficult it was , but gradually it eased as she eased , and he noticed that she had wet her dress .
6 And he noticed that she had stopped scowling .
7 Jehana at Alexei 's side grasped the sleeve of his coat , and he saw that she carried a hiranu which was similar to his own , save that it was encased in a jewelled sheath and was strapped to the girdle which she now wore over her gown .
8 She looked back at him and smiled gently , and he saw that she had been writing in a workman-like leather-bound notebook .
9 Suddenly they laughed together , and he looked at her , really looked at her , for the first time , and he saw that she had a lovely set of teeth .
10 She turned round to face him and he thought that she had been crying .
11 And he suspected that she had known more intimate secrets .
12 George Michael was on with Jacqueline Bisset and he confessed that she had been his pin-up and he 'd loved her from afar for years .
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