Example sentences of "and i would [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And I would suggest to you , it 's because it 's complicated , and forgive me if I have n't made it more simple , but that 's one reason incidentally , why in my document , I kept commissioning , the business of doing , and making the kind of hard choices that your committee 's had to make this morning , because resources will always be limited , separate from discussing everything that people would like to do , because they do n't always run together .
2 And I would suggest through us learning together is a model of effective evangelism .
3 I do n't remember ever being afraid , and I would boast of my nocturnal activities to a few close friends , who were duly impressed .
4 She and I would toss for it .
5 As regards the salaries of the U S A we 've read and seen about so many companies that pay sky-high for v various salaries and other schemes , we do n't want that in this country but we do want a degree of evenness and I would repeat as somebody has already said , that your salary has gone up fifty six percent which is very , very high .
6 Lilya would go in her car , and I would go in mine .
7 ‘ I would look after her with loving care , Mr Wormwood , and I would pay for everything .
8 I told him it was entirely a matter for him to decide : that the Labour Party was my client and I would proceed on its instructions .
9 It would be quite unjust to end the story there , for years later , a very pretty WAAF officer I knew came and asked if my wife and I would come to her wedding reception to be held at Claridges .
10 And I would like to you , remind you of my objectives quoted at that time and as are stated in the er manual .
11 Now you may argue that he always had equal right provided he did not indulge in anal intercourse and I would agree with you .
12 So when , and I would agree with you again , so when are the teachers going to be accountable , when is somebody who is a bad teacher and heck there are quite a few of them , you know it only takes a couple in every school to make it difficult for the rest , going to be got rid of you know you are not up to the mark out .
13 ‘ The man is a monster and I would swing for him , ’ he said .
14 ‘ And now these pictures are worth a small fortune and I would part with them even less .
15 And er then I would see the two two or three cleaners coming out and going on to the coach and cleaning them , and I would say to them , What are they for ?
16 And I would say to him , look Joe , you know what to do with the Buckeyes , I say , You go across to the yard and get them ready , set them you see .
17 And I would say to you that really there 's little point in making any major changes there until you , you 're able to assess it properly .
18 It is of course penalty kicks at goal which slow down play and I would deal with them very drastically , as in these modern days they quite often determine the result of a match .
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