Example sentences of "and i say [interj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She rang me at half past ten , I 'd forgotten all about it till phone went and I says ooh I 've lost your phone number .
2 on ends , so he took the two ends off , cleaned the rails and he was sat on settee watching telly rubbing away and rubbing away and I says hey you gon na put them ends back on ?
3 Well no , actually what she said , said something to me , I ca n't remember what he said now and I said oh I said it 's a start for you .
4 And I said oh when was that and she said just after you 'd gone to the bank and I said oh I 've just spoken to him .
5 Well she phoned and umm asked how Oliver was and everything and just said oh how are you and I said oh I 've not been feeling very well over the weekend .
6 And I said oh I 've got a present for you so I want to see you give it to you .
7 yes , I got a bit tired out because erm somebody mentioned table tennis and I said oh I 've been wanting a game for years !
8 And I walked along back and front , back and front like that and I said oh I do n't know .
9 one thing and another and I said oh I do n't know , and there are Sunday and said look about taking Matthew , why do n't you let him go and I said well it 's a , it 's a long time , you know for
10 And see they were asking me what I was gon na use yesterday and I said oh I do n't know I said , I have n't got a clue .
11 Well Kirsty said something to me and I said oh I do n't think so , I said I think he 's , you know , I , I 've heard that , you know , he seems a quite sincere kind of bloke , he seems nice but I do n't know that 's what I think but if he
12 I said bye then see you sometime , bye and I put the phone down , and she said what does she want then and I said oh she wanted to know where , you know she 'd gone and I said oh I have n't seen her all week you know after , while we was hanging , she was hanging pictures , erm , she come through , she said oh they look wonderful she said I 've got pictures she said , I want my mountain put up in my lounge , with that June burst out laughing , Neil went through and he , he put her pictures up and he was gone there , he said , god he said , you know literally it 's a day to hang pictures , I said well do n't worry about it , you know , that 's what he said to do
13 I said bye then see you sometime , bye and I put the phone down , and she said what does she want then and I said oh she wanted to know where , you know she 'd gone and I said oh I have n't seen her all week you know after , while we was hanging , she was hanging pictures , erm , she come through , she said oh they look wonderful she said I 've got pictures she said , I want my mountain put up in my lounge , with that June burst out laughing , Neil went through and he , he put her pictures up and he was gone there , he said , god he said , you know literally it 's a day to hang pictures , I said well do n't worry about it , you know , that 's what he said to do
14 Me sister 's got one the same and I said cor I like your ring I 'll never afford that and she said it 's only Argos sixty nine bleeding quid , I thought it 's fine .
15 And he said thank goodness , h he said oh they got and I said yeah I 've got Monday and Tuesday off he said , it might have died down when I get back he said cos us drivers take all the stick .
16 Not just on my own he just said that , it was a bit bad cos I , I said to him , you know , who 's going and he listed like er reeled off , I ca n't remember , reeled off a load of blokes yes last night and I said are there any girls going and he said well I 'll see if I can get Laura and Giles to come and I said yeah I feel much better about that , you know , whatever and then today he said erm look ca n't go and was a real , I du n no he 's got something and he 's usually like the real medium and he , you know , if there 's e if there 's ever like a pregnant pause then he 's the one that like keeps it all going
17 but I know it cos the other week when I had to work till half past eight for Peter , he was having a dinner party and erm we went down there , I had to go shopping with him , he made me die cos he asked me if I 'd work a bit later and I said yeah I need the money , so I 'll work later so er he made me die because he said in this flare up , this argument when when I worked that day , I mean , I worked all day , I had nothing to eat and I could n't eat af , you know , cos of this trouble I could n't eat after
18 and I said yeah she said that lady sent her a ten pound note .
19 And I must have been in a really funny mood , and I said yes we have it 's on the till and he went well I suggest you get them in the windows then !
20 A roof rack , he wants to borrow one for Sunday , cos Susan 's coming back look , anyway she asked me and I said no we 've never had one , I do n't think we ever had , I said I 'll ask Doreen , so I asked Doreen and she said yes we have , but I 'd have to ask Leslie first , so when Dee come back I said yes she has , but do n't say anything to her cos you might not get it , but she 's not getting that .
21 She 's a very conceited woman , Pete the adulterous told me she was a very conceited woman and er Neil says I I I 'd have to talk to him to him about this , she could n't discuss anything with him she would lay down the law , that was how it had to be and I said no I said Gerry and I , I had no hesitation , as I said , in putting the boot in and Brenda and Dave take the same the attitude to children that you let them first of all when they 're small , you have to tell them no like you do not
22 and er then she said if she you know I have them and I said no I told her all right we 'll be seeing you and
23 And I said no she has n't .
24 Anyway his father was there and his father had paid and I said no you know , you 've done that .
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