Example sentences of "and i [vb mod] [vb infin] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Kent or something I 'll take a chance and I 'll go this way and I went , and I came out there 's a garage on the way to Beckenham .
2 ‘ All right , nanocephs , stand well back , and I 'll open this door for you , ’ she said .
3 Then I 'll call a district meeting where I 'll get other branches together erm shop stewards and that , and I 'll pass this information , I 've let them know there 's such a thing as .
4 And I 'll keep this master
5 One more shit comment from you and I 'll implant this knife in the back of your throat . ’
6 Well you can sit there and I 'll read this list out to you .
7 Oh well there are four of them there so why not give them all and I 'll cut this pizza into
8 ‘ I 'll forgive you this time but I 'm warnin' yow , my gel , if I catch yow with that stuff agen I 'll cut all your hair off an' leave yer bald , and I 'll put this strap–across yer back ! ’
9 get in the buggy and I 'll close this door , where have I put the lock ? , oh it 's not good we 're gon na have to get a new garage door , that one nearly kills me lifting that up , scraping it along the ground , you 're in are you ? , oh very good , two of you in , Richard , come and get in , just a minute where 's your , let me clip you in
10 Financial management advice and services has continued to be provided by Napier University Ventures Limited and I would take this opportunity to thank Ed Angus and all his staff for the hard work and support they give to the Enterprise Centre .
11 My hair is really short so I do n't actually have to style it but it did feel better and I would use this conditioner again . ’
12 For the reasons given above , I am of the opinion the judge 's answer to the question posed was correct and I would dismiss this appeal .
13 My Lords , I have had the advantage of reading the judgment of Lord Browne-Wilkinson with which I agree and I would dismiss this appeal and allow the cross-appeals on the ground that certiorari is not available to challenge the decision of a visitor on the ground of an error of law within his jurisdiction .
14 But I 'd get off at the Meinhof , looking straight ahead and keep on walking and I 'd feel this presence move up beside me .
15 ‘ You may tell my father , ’ he replied , ‘ my hand on the bible , and I will repeat this oath before the Commons and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal — I swear this : neither my people nor the Lord Gaveston went anywhere near Godstowe Priory on that day . ’
16 Sometimes it is valuable literally to include a game within the drama experience , and I will finish this subsection with such an example .
17 Confusingly , in broad gauge circles , our standard gauge is known as ‘ the ’ narrow gauge and I will use this term here with an occasional reminder .
18 ‘ But I 'm not sure what time he 'll get here and I do n't think Alf and I could manage this lot on our own . ’
19 I did n't even notice that , but I did notice her across the road at Mrs and know so right she 'd been there I just did n't notice where she went , but I heard the bell ring and I could see this anorak through there and me mind thought Mrs , perhaps it 's Mrs but then when I saw this this lady well I just did n't know what to think really .
20 you know just to wipe him down and everything in the morning , he just grabbed that and I could see this thing tipping and I went oh god no , please , because that could of been the duvet , the duvet covers
21 I was , I was in the loo and erm they were , they went into the office and I could hear this rummaging of paper and I thought they 've got a club book , I did n't think any more of it , and when I came out they got , both of them out of the boxes .
22 Was it Monday , no it was yesterday , I was in the loo and I could hear this paper being ripped and I thought oh they 've got one of my club catalogues , I did n't think any more of it and then I could hear Joseph going weee , I thought what the devil 's he got , so went out , Joseph has got the flying circus bus that was meant for Charlotte and him and , Brenda and Charlotte was sharing the , the , garage thing that I 've brought so I thought well now it 's out , well they 're not going to keep all that till I said to him whatever is Father Christmas going to say , I said he 's supposed to be taking these away to bring I said er , what 's Father Christmas gon na say ? , no Ben forget , so I thought while they 're out I could see Joseph 's playing a lot , way with this bus thing , he was having a whale of a time , he thought that was great , so I said to Charlotte I said do you like that bus ?
23 As a works convenor , I work along twenty shop stewards , and I can tell this Congress that the message that they 've given to me from the people from the people that have elected them , is that they 're sick and tired of the perpetual bleating of the T U C about how they have to abide by the laws , when the only laws that are there are the laws that are bringing this movement down .
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