Example sentences of "and i [verb] [pers pn] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 Coun. Michael Carr , leader of the borough council , said : ‘ We have entered the second round of City Challenge with the same enthusiasm with which we approached the first , and I hope we enjoy the same success .
2 I appreciate obviously tonight we have are not not gon na carried today but nonetheless it is something that we believe in very firmly and I hope we have the opportunity to try and persuade you otherwise at some other time .
3 And I mean I know the screens are flickering in the Halifax and the Bradford and Bingley e even as we speak , and they do this fabulous analysis , you know you can see that to , to go for the repayment is not as efficient as the endowment , but it 's all a theoretical exercise .
4 And I know we have the bottles of wine .
5 ‘ I am capable of setting myself targets and I know I have the self-discipline to attain them .
6 I I just appealing for MPs and I know you have the radio on just to see if I 'm being rude about you , and of course I never am because I 'm a I 'm a nice person .
7 I said , you 're joking and I said they sell the house to you
8 And I said I put the fridge on .
9 When I came around the next time all I seen was smoke … and I knew we put the final bullet in him , ’ Destefani said after emerging from the cockpit of his winning racer .
10 Follow that up with hot , soapy water and a hose over everything , and I suggest you do the underside first .
11 ‘ I 'm going to get dressed in the twins ’ room , and I suggest you do the same in here , as quickly as possible .
12 As we sat drinking sherry together and I watched her acquire the jowled ovine features of all elderly English gentlewomen , I found it hard to summon up my old anger .
13 He did n't look back and I watched him cross the road , climb a wall and trail away across the fields towards the river .
14 I was in the house the night you came back , and I watched you try the french windows , and then go round to the back to find the kitchen window locked , too .
15 Though some of them were charming young ladies , I always managed to avoid breeding with them ( as you so courteously put it ) and I advise you do the same .
16 I mean , it 's like the change of a crew one way or the other , it was fat or heavy it 's , you know , it 's the eight guys that are there and those are the eight best men that Oxford have and I think we have the best crew with those eight people .
17 They find new ways of sharing what resources there are , whether collaborating in local policing or working with health authorities or whatever it is and I think they form the base for renewal of politics because we have to recreate politics for localities upwards and here , just finally chancing my arm , I must just frankly say that I am not clear that over-large amalgamations of unions will be much more helpful than over-centralized government bureaucracies .
18 Now er the things that of course was er was only different skill using colours and patterns but y y you understand that the Fair Isles were developed on pins , and you notice the patterns were always small and I think you know the practical reasons for that .
19 And I think you know the management ought to learn , hopefully they will learn a bit by that as well .
20 Geminis have dual personalities and I think you have the best part of their nature , while Dana has the rotten bits . ’
21 I have thought a long time about this and I think I know the answer .
22 ‘ I might not be the youngest candidate but I 'm the most experienced and I think I have the most energy , ’ he says .
23 And I think I think the reconciliation what he 's actually saying is he has n't got time to recheck those reconciliations before this weekend 's deadline that 's what it appears to be .
24 I 'm Froggy 's only relation , and I reckon I deserve the money after looking after him every winter for years .
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