Example sentences of "and it was [adv] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 At the head of Gunnerside Gill beyond the ruins of Blakethwaite Mine are the ruined dams of Blakethwaite , and it was here that we stopped for our lunch .
2 The only depôt which had sufficient clearance without obstructions either side of its traverser to accommodate the Felthams which were longer than any other London cars , was Streatham ( Telford Avenue ) and it was here that they came .
3 Beth had persuaded David to mend the rustic oak bench , and it was here that she would spend her happiest times , sitting beneath the old apple tree , watching the children at play .
4 After her first five years apprenticeship she became involved with transport and it was here that she was destined to make her mark and has continued to do so for 37 years .
5 And it was here that he met Marianne , a young woman of great beauty , high intelligence , deep sympathy , and fun .
6 It said , In this house ( and the ceramic of the plaque had broken and the name was missing ) stayed on his first visit to the city , and it was here that he wrote the opening pages of his greatest work .
7 Mr Gillis had stuck a plastic hook near the top of this door on the inside and it was here that he chose to hang his white trilby .
8 In 1906 , he went to Cambridge to found the Mission for the Deaf and Dumb , and it was here that he entered University .
9 I was now completely in the dark and it was here that I would shoot whatever film I had onto the skirting board of my makeshift cinema .
10 When my children were very small we used to live on the outskirts of Richmond Park , where every day I used to take my eldest child for a walk , and it was here that I first began to collect horse mushrooms .
11 The workshop classes were a mixture of all grades of academy , and it was here that I found common ground absorbing my trade instruction ; and happily in this field I was able not to be as conspicuous as I was at school .
12 You can imagine that some drivers er went the wrong way , and it was just that they , they just did n't concentrate on the run but nowadays they seem to run all over the town .
13 The formalities were gone through — including , in this case , the obtaining of a marriage licence ; the bachelor of St Ethelburga 's parish made an allegation that he knew of no lawful impediment why he should not marry the girl from St Dunstan 's in the West , and it was there that they became man and wife on 21 June 1799 .
14 The ‘ great windy parlour ’ at the front of the building was soon to become for Coleridge a place in which he felt more at home than in his own tiny cottage , and it was there that he and Poole were later to spend long sociable hours with the Wordsworths , Charles Lamb , Hazlitt and others .
15 And it was there that he and other members of ‘ The Club ’ , Rothko , Newman , Kline , Reinhardt , David Hare , Hedda Sterne , et al , met to discuss ‘ the issues ’ .
16 Other clubs did much the same things for provincial leaders ; it was to the Constitutional Club that Salvidge went when in London and it was there that he stayed .
17 During World War Two , he went into naval research as a lieutenant , working on a thermal-guided missile and other projects , and it was there that he met his future partner , Ibuka .
18 We were fortunate in having an outdoor swimming-pool , and it was there that I learned to swim , and have continued to enjoy swimming the rest of my life .
19 And it was then that she saw Christie Goldsborough coming towards her along the path , his spectacular , fur-lined driving-cape swinging loose around his shoulders , his feet encased in the finest quality leather , his carriage — a shiny , high-perch sporting phaeton — waiting for him just there , in the road beyond the church wall , whenever he had a mind to take the reins in his gloved hands and go dashing off to drink champagne and eat bride-cake at Frizingley Hall .
20 Lucy did not see Doreen or Silas again until late in the afternoon when she moved to close the office window , and it was then that she caught sight of them standing outside one of the chalets .
21 And it was then that she laughed , then that after so much recent trauma her world suddenly righted itself and she felt happy again .
22 So I closed all those books and it was then that I opened up my eyes and looked around me and said , ‘ Now I 'm reading ’ . ’
23 And it was then that I almost tripped over her . ’
24 And it was then that I touched flesh .
25 In return she sent me her third and latest novel , A View of the Harbour : and it was then that I recognized her as the author of At Mrs Lippincote 's .
26 This he did , and it was then that I experienced for the first time his unexpected propensity for one-liners , conjured out of thin air .
27 I stopped going to school when I was thirteen getting on fourteen , and it was then that I started getting into trouble , running away from home and thieving .
28 Andrew Stavanger was compelled to turn to the bank for help after the dock strikes , and it was then that I got to know him .
29 It was duly arranged that we should meet after work , and it was then that I gave him further details about my ‘ sponsored ’ trip to Paris and about my much more ambitious idea of a trip to Libya .
30 The young boy was extremely embarrassed but soon swallowed his pride and climbed back into his canoe while we all fell about with laughter around him and it was then that I heard the bang .
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