Example sentences of "and it is [adv] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Little detail is provided , however , and it is thus difficult to evaluate his work fully .
2 The unusual nature of these counter-examples indicates that they are indeed the exceptions which prove the rule , and it is normally reasonable to assume that coins made from the same die were produced at the same time and place .
3 Planting is chosen for ease of maintenance and it is particularly useful to use the two trees , birch and sorbus provide vertical emphasis , helping to counteract the steep slope .
4 It is important to consider the content of the contract very carefully , and it is particularly important to examine the special conditions .
5 It is essential that flyblown meat is not given as food and it is equally essential to ensure that food given to the young ferrets does n't subsequently become flyblown .
6 And it is equally inadequate to suggest that the audience should only respond morally , elevated by the supposed triumph of good over evil — even though for many people now this is undoubtedly the effect of tragedy .
7 In extensional flow , however , provided the strain rate exceeds the relaxation rate , that is , the rate at which a chain attempts to re-coil itself in order to increase its entropy , full extension of a chain can occur and it is even possible to cause chain scission , as evidenced by molecular weight studies made on solutions which have been subjected to high extensional flows .
8 It is difficult for them to obtain overseas development funds , and it is even hard to mail a letter to another country because Eritrean stamps are not yet internationally recognised .
9 It is difficult for them to obtain overseas development funds , and it is even hard to mail a letter to another country because Eritrean stamps are not yet internationally recognised .
10 The defendants at the time of the victims ' deaths were presumably unconscious and it is accordingly difficult to attribute to them any mens rea .
11 It would not be practical or useful to teach all learners of English to produce assimilations ; practice in making elisions is more useful , and it is clearly valuable to do exercises related to rhythm and linking .
12 These are very strong powers , and it is clearly important to establish the meaning of ‘ development ’ , particularly since the term has a legal meaning far wider than in ordinary language .
13 With Lewis this was not so , and it is probably vain to look for reasons .
14 And it is probably true to add that no tortoiseshell cat has ever fathered a litter of kittens .
15 This evidence is echoed at a whole range of other small towns , and it is probably safe to suggest a similar interpretation for those sites where strip buildings are well attested but where either excavation or detailed evidence for trading activities is limited , as for example at Water Newton .
16 and it is also useful to assess the practical difficulties of the technique .
17 Clearly this gives the axial spin rate if the radius of the planet is known , and it is also necessary to know the axial orientation of the planet with respect to the Earth .
18 The common practice of putting pencil notes on the abstract itself is to be deprecated as defacing an important document , and it is also easy to miss these notes on an old and tattered abstract that has already been marked by previous investigators .
19 It is important for the elderly to have heating in their bedroom because of the risk of hypothermia , and it is also essential to make sure that they are living in a home that is well ventilated as well as warm .
20 There are many interesting walks around the town and on the Dales and it is also possible to take a mini-bus tour from Middleham of the popular areas of Wensleydale and Swaledale , with a local resident acting as guide .
21 It is possible to treat each of the pair , as a single consonant phoneme ( we will call this the one-phoneme analysis of , ) , and it is also possible to say that they are composed of two phonemes each — either plus or plus all of which are already established as independent phonemes of English ; this will be called the two-phoneme analysis of and .
22 Because different people will affect the circuits in different ways the Trickstick can be adjusted for sensitivity and it is also possible to use it in a switch-type mode .
23 I know that Brother supply a black pen with the Knitleader and it is also possible to buy three other colours from them .
24 We have a few social events during the year , and it is also nice to write to our friends .
25 Risks to health and the environment can be minimised and it is also important to produce the energy cleanly .
26 And it is also important to ensure that a will is correctly witnessed .
27 If the answer to the question is known , there is no scientific purpose in conducting the trial , and it is also unethical to do so .
28 Data is costly to collect , store and keep up-to-date and it is also costly to transform data into information .
29 First , it is difficult to account for the very different forms of state intervention and political representation if one follows the instrumentalist position , and it is also difficult to explain how it is that the whole capitalist system coheres and is reproduced if the capitalists do not control and dominate the bureaucratic and political levers of the state , as modern instrumentalists now accept .
30 If you arrive at your local station and it is just impossible to find a cab , then go to your local police station If it is close by and explain your problem .
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