Example sentences of "and a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] by " in BNC.

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1 The most commonly used measure for assessing overall performance in the private sector is to divide profit before the deduction of interest and a provision for taxation by capital employed , defined as share capital plus long-term debt .
2 He drove past the dark oiled surface of the Seine ; he saw a bateau-mouche pass , brilliant with lights , saw two lovers , entwined in each other 's arms in the shadows ; saw a clochard out cold , slumped over the warmth of the vents from the Métro , a brown paper bag and a puddle of alcohol by his side .
3 Mr Lamont said the total tax on a pint of beer would rise by about 1 1/2p and a bottle of wine by about 5 1/2p .
4 Sticking up into the Gulf of Mexico like a thumb , Yucatan points towards Miami and New Orleans , each only an hour and a half from Merida by air .
5 Here we have a stunning solo set of 14 songs including four Coltrane tunes ( Crescent ) [ and alternative take ] ; Lonnie 's Lament and After the Rain ) , standards ( All the things you are : I should care ; Willow weep for Me ) and tunes by Tyner 's influences and friends ( Bud Powell 's Bouncin' with Bud and Dexter Gordon 's Tivolo ) and a quintet of songs by Tyner himself .
6 Russian Federation troops deployed in Ingushetia were withdrawn from the border with Chechnia after a protest from Chechnia , which claimed part of the area , and a threat of retaliation by Chechen President Dzhakhar Dudayev .
7 There was , throughout the Saxon period , a tension between the activities of smaller groups , the ‘ free men ’ of Saxon warrior society , the need for communal organisation and a tendency towards domination by a chain of increasingly powerful lords , the thegns , ealdermen and earls , the equivalent of modern dukes .
8 Correct me if Im wrong , but did nt R5 imply from their commentry/report that 1 ) Rods ' goal was deflected horrendously past Southall and 2 ) Their goal was due to good play and a flash of inspiration by Snodin ? ?
9 ‘ I 'm incredibly romantic , ’ said Guy when he greets me at his door holding a bunch of carnations in one hand and a book of poetry by John Keats in the other .
10 For Winifred there were some hair ribbons too , and a book of tales by Maria Edgeworth ; for Young John , a halfdozen new brass buttons and a coloured alphabet book .
11 An unusual Marquet view of Paris streets of 1904 sold for FFr1.6 million ( £190,500 ; $304,750 ) , just below its low estimate and a view of Rotterdam by Paul Signac of 1906 for FFr2 million ( £238,000 ; $381,000 ) , its low estimate .
12 An altercation took place at the entrance to the circuit when the irascible John McDonald sought to block the bus with his car — the idea of drivers striking and being independent of their owners struck him as positively mediaeval — but was resolved by a little gentle persuasion and a show of force by an angry Jacques Laffite .
13 She orders a passion fruit tart , a puff-pastry butterfly , and a slice of death by chocolate .
14 The Church gave to every community , large or small , refuge from persecution and pillage , provided education and learning , medical aid and a basis for life by which were allayed the superstitious fears of the individual , which stemmed from his lack of experience and knowledge of health , life and death , understanding of the world and of man himself .
15 Austrian President Waldheim 's visit in August had secured the release of some 80 Austrian nationals ; other developments of this nature included the release of the last 82 of some 500 Brazilians , who arrived home from Baghdad on Oct. 8 ; the release in mid-October of small groups of Spaniards , Finns and Swedes , and a visit to Iraq by a delegation from the American-Iraqi Association , resulting in the release of 14 elderly or sick men of US nationality who flew out to Amman on Oct. 23 .
16 On Nov. 24 , the UK government announced that it would provide a second year of training for the new Namibian Defence Force , following a visit to the UK in April by Foreign Minister Gurirab , and a visit to Windhoek by UK Defence Secretary Tom King in July .
17 At 16 weeks , there was an increase in CCPR by dimethylhydrazine or 70% small bowel resection and a decrease in CCPR by cacium ; there were no interactions between these factors ( Tables III & IV ) .
18 There 's a glowing prospectus about using Winter Marsh for oyster farming , and a Declaration of Intent by a group called Varsov International to put up £5 million in cash for a half share in yet another company called Ingard Oyster Farms .
19 v. Byrne concerned a mortgage on houses , shops and a block of flats by a company to secure a loan of £310,000 .
20 Even in relation to " classic " forms of infant battering , ill-relationship with parents of the parent , leading to parental inadequacy in relationships and a feeling of near-persecution by others figures prominently .
21 Legislation on " small " privatizations , whereby around 100,000 state-owned shops , restaurants and other small businesses would be put up for auction , had been passed on Oct. 25 , 1990 , after a long official debate on its pace and a spate of strikes by shopworkers fearing redundancy .
22 The text is divided into three parts , corresponding with the tri-partite formation of the collection : drawings assembled by Duke Albert von Sachsen-Teschen ( 1738–1822 ) , founder of the Albertina ; those purchased after his death ; and a group of drawings by the British artist Frank Brangwyn , given to the Albertina by Brangwyn in 1914 .
23 Two of the most significant items are a recently-purchased Lutyens sketchbook — one of only four in existence — and a group of drawings by Vanbrugh and Sir Edward Lovett Pearce , known as the Elton Hall volumes .
24 Although the two main explanations of Labour 's growth will remain irreconcilables , the fact remains that the Labour Party did emerge to become the second party in the political system by 1922 , and a party of government by 1924 .
25 The Food and Drink Federation predicts that the cost of a 250g butter pack will rise by 10p , a ½lb pack of beefburgers 4p and a litre of squash by 5p .
26 When she was settled in an armchair by the flower-filled fireplace , with Cas on her knee and a tray of tea by her elbow , Michele took a seat opposite .
27 As for the actual designs , both he and his brother normally provided these themselves , but sometimes he continued the practice of contracting to build to those of other architects : the principal examples of this are Heythrop House , Oxfordshire ( 1705–8 ) , designed by Thomas Archer [ q.v. ] , and a number of buildings by James Gibbs [ q.v. ] , notably Ditchley House , Oxfordshire ( 1720–1 ) and All Saints church , Derby ( 1723–5 , later the cathedral ) — although in both cases he appears to have had some influence on the design as well .
28 It concluded that a small but " significant number of LAPD officers … repetitively misuse force " and that the record of communication between patrol cars demonstrated racism and a glorification of brutality by some officers .
29 Producing the estimate involves , already , a number of decisions and a lot of work by both the agency producer and the production company .
30 And a lifetime of line-ups by the sound of things , I say in a rather low voice .
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