Example sentences of "and be not [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most resident skin flora ( p. 74 ) are not highly virulent and are not normally implicated in infections except when prosthetic surgery or other invasive procedures are performed , or when neonates or immunocompromised patients are involved .
2 These machines have lower stick forces than most training two-seaters and are not generally fitted with a nose hook for aerotowing .
3 Other examples of insurance claims being referred to experts do not appear in the reports and are not generally encountered in practice ; the insurance world has a pronounced preference for arbitration .
4 If they have been very , very bad and are not well connected inside the Church , the man with the wart gobs all over them , people chuck potato peelings at them and then they are turned out into Strathclyde Road in their underpants .
5 History knows a cynical law : that in all lands politicians dislike ecclesiastics who interfere and therefore , when influencing who is to be a new bishop , prefer not to have bishops too practical and too effective ; and a respectable way of having ineffective bishops , the only respectable way , is to have otherworldly bishops , who live to God and spend much time in prayer and are not well informed on matters of this world .
6 ‘ DEC is a fairly enlightened company generally but certainly women here tend to take more time and are not so stressed by interruptions .
7 The experiments are of the ‘ what if ’ variety , i.e. they ask ‘ what would happen if we did this ? ’ , and are not therefore based on hypothetico-deductive logic .
8 Since claims by non-State third parties will not normally be presented before an international forum and are not directly governed by the terms of the Vienna Convention , the outcome may well be significantly different from those involving third States .
9 The distinction between individuals in government and the senior civil service , banks and corporations is often more blurred than in western countries , and therefore this elite tends to form a coherent and powerful set of economic interests , ( although these may be contradictory and are usually very diverse ) and are not only represented in government but often are the government .
10 From our own observations ( unpublished ) and those of others , sulphated and conjugated bile acids represent less than 10% of the total bile acids excreted in faeces and are not further considered in this report .
11 Usually these second droppings are much more random and are not often confined to the widely-used lavatorial system .
12 Mandarinfish ( callionymidae ) have a poisonous mucus which deters predators and are not usually bothered by larger fish .
13 Rate resources are unevenly distributed among local authorities and are not necessarily related to their different needs .
14 Relations in the material world can exist independently of consciousness and are not necessarily affected by it .
15 An internal memo by a senior employee at the Rocky Flats plant in Colorado has disclosed that substantial amounts of highly radioactive plutonium are stored in unsafe or untested containers and in unstable condition and are not suitably protected against fire .
16 Indeed Franco-Russian disputes on this issue flared up briefly once more in the 1760s and were not finally laid to rest until 1772 .
17 Guide books from the mid-twelfth century to " The Wonders of Rome " ( Mirabilia Urbis Rome ) began to pay attention to the pagan monuments and were not just guides to the tombs of the martyrs and the saints .
18 The meetings were informal and were not normally based upon consideration of specific statistical or financial reports , being instead discursive , impressionistic and somewhat gossipy .
19 They remained so throughout the nineteenth century and were not normally trusted with public office .
20 The tests used covered a number of topics and were not specifically related to the curriculum .
21 Ribose ring puckers are not well defined at this resolution , and were not specifically restrained during refinement , but deviate little from their original C2'- endo conformation in the initial model .
22 One third of the children experienced no more than mild symptoms after initial treatment and were not subsequently treated with corticosteroids during the follow up period .
23 Working-class Protestants had some material advantages over their Catholic competitors and enjoyed preferential treatment in housing and local government employment but these advantages were sometimes marginal and were not often felt to be considerable advantages because the Protestants did not sit down to statistical comparisons of their standards of living with the opportunities of Catholics .
24 These tribes had been conquered by the Franks and forced into Christianity , but they retained their own kingship or leaders , and were not tightly bound to the Frankish throne in terms of direct government .
25 Compensation and betterment proved thorny issues and were not totally resolved until 1948 , and then only temporarily .
26 Such a redeployment has not , however , been easy , as few of the former colleges of education staff have had much experience of further education and were not fully turned to its needs , particularly in respect of curriculum development .
27 ‘ Unpublished price sensitive information ’ is information which relates to specific matters relating to or of concern ( directly or indirectly ) to that company , that is to say it is not of a general nature relating to or of concern to that company and is not generally known to those persons who are accustomed or would be likely to deal in those securities but which if it were generally known to them would be likely to affect the price of those securities .
28 Just as every normal human child first learns to crawl , then to stand and then to walk and the motivation and capacity to do these things comes from within the child , and is not artificially imposed from outside — so , the moral development theorists hold , there is a necessary sequence of stages of emerging moral judgement .
29 Although crime occurs across all social classes , and is not just restricted to individuals from working-class backgrounds , official statistics show a clear link between social class and crime .
30 More often Ministers are attracted to what is novel , makes only a limited demand on financial resources , and is not already identified with someone else .
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