Example sentences of "and be [adv] [adj] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Since the new constitution was enacted in 1937 , the prohibition on divorce has become so strict that couples who have been granted a nullity decree by Roman catholic canonical tribunals have found that they may still not be recognized as single by the state , and are thus unable to remarry in the Republic .
2 Mergers and takeovers are not within the company 's experience , and are not likely to succeed in such a consistent , pervasive corporate culture .
3 ‘ The maths may seem complicated , but breeding indices work very well and are very easy to use in practice .
4 Councillors have better educational qualifications and are more likely to work in non-manual occupations that the population at large .
5 Researchers who studied attitudes towards extra-marital sex , relative to the size of the community , found that in general , people living in rural areas are less tolerant of extra-marital sex and are less likely to engage in it than people living in large cities .
6 Fortunately , some transracial adopters are able to speak for themselves and are therefore able to correct in some ways the folly of others :
7 In practice , therefore , the size of the money multiplier will vary and is thus difficult to predict in advance .
8 The rate of ‘ obsolescence ’ ( i.e. decline in use through age ) is a much more complex phenomenon , and is also difficult to quantify in a generalized way .
9 At one time they could turn to the Government 's agricultural advisory service , but now this charges for its help and is too expensive to consult in many cases .
10 Alternatively America could move towards a more British system of receivership , which puts creditors before shareholders , and is more likely to end in the firm simply ceasing to trade .
11 She had the same tall grace and was equally good looking in a gentler way with great soulful eyes .
12 Mark Appleson trained yesterday but following his back spasm last weekend , took no contact and was only able to run in straight lines .
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