Example sentences of "and the [adj] [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Microprocessors have not been used for this work up to now and the first-ever system for a PWR is currently being installed by the French at their new power station at Paluel .
2 He spent half a day teaching me about the various policies and endowments , the way to figure cash surrender values , the matter of group insurance , and the various approaches to a prospect by the insurance salesman .
3 wide-angle shots may be shown during divisions and the various processes of a division may be recorded , but without close-ups of Members ;
4 This reflects the large areas involved , the difficulties and costs of sampling rocks and sedimentary deposits at depth , and the present lack of a requirement for more large-scale studies of small areas .
5 They record events past , and the present stands in a causal relationship to the past .
6 Except when the vine is dormant , sap rises to the top of every shoot and the uppermost bud of a shortened stem is the one that will burst into growth first .
7 Moreover , in March-April two other factors contributed to a sharp upturn in world petroleum prices : the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spill in US Alaskan waters and the temporary closure of a production platform in the North Sea ( see pp. 36541 ; 36606 ) .
8 Walkers in a hurry can sneak across on a passenger ferry and over the facing hill on a cart track to Dundonnell , saving nearly twenty miles and the best part of a day .
9 And the best defence against a new Davidic Messiah , advancing with his legions , would have been an established Messiah already presiding over the Empire — a pro-Pauline Messiah , who had effectively pre-empted the claims of Judaic rivals .
10 The only sounds now were the intermittent crackle of the skirmishers ' muskets and the ragged music of a Dutch band .
11 THE other day , as I was walking along the main street of a small town in Buckinghamshire , meditating , as so often , on time and chance , and in particular on the various chances which had combined to bring me there , I suddenly heard a loud crash , followed by urgent shouts and the desperate revving of a car .
12 His scrawny body was naked except for a loincloth and the tattered remains of a jerkin .
13 I looked round at the picture of Bruce Lee , the travel poster of Malaysia my dad gave me , my certificate of merit for Grade Two Saxophone , my 320 computer discs , my colour picture of an iguana and the tattered remains of a portable snooker table we got when I was twelve .
14 Such a choice accords with both the political traditions of the area and the perceived need for a strong , decisive executive in a time of economic , social and political turmoil .
15 Observers suggested that the selective use of archival material , and the dubious legality of a travel ban imposed on Gorbachev , pointed to an attempt to humiliate him , ordered from the highest level .
16 As Mayor Perry 's encouragement demonstrated , Fulani 's status as an African-American woman and the utter absence of a consistent progressive agenda among this year 's leading Democratic presidential candidates make her a tempting protest vote in some decidedly mainstream quarters .
17 In the first he was seated , wearing ceremonial dress and the jewelled zoia of a doge .
18 Many mammals have an inborn fear of poisonous snakes and the defensive noises of a cornered snake are , of course , the spit and hiss .
19 There was here some enquiry and the that enquiry as a matter of public policy I understand the documents are n't to be available , even if they assist the police , or if they assist the other side .
20 Just for a few seconds she 'd fallen for the powerful aphrodisiac of music , her senses sharpened by aquavit and the potent charisma of a man who would stop at nothing to achieve his desired ends !
21 There was a cross and the tall hoods of a traditional Easter procession .
22 Halfway down the stairs she heard voices and through the partly-open drawing-room door caught a glimpse of Sally in peacock-blue cashmere and the tall figure of a young man , fine hair above a chestnut brown suede jacket .
23 Inner London and the inner areas of a number of industrial cities suffered first , but the loss of manufacturing jobs then spread to the outer areas of cities and to wider regions , such as the West Midlands and the North West , where these were based on manufacturing .
24 Here , the characteristic buckles and belt-plates have been found , as well as a collection of weaponry , which included spears , lances and the barbed head from a martio-barbulus , a type of lead-weighted throwing dart used by the late Roman army .
25 France , the United Kingdom and the USA on Feb. 13 rejected Libya 's response to the unanimous UN Security Council Resolution 731 of Jan. 21 urging it to co-operate in the investigation of the December 1988 bombing of a Pan-Am airliner over Lockerbie , Scotland , and the 1989 bombing of a French airliner over Niger [ see p. 38743 ] .
26 But then he did n't enjoy the hustle and bustle of Swansea 's night-life , he preferred the warmth of his own fireside and the simple pleasures of a good cigar and a glass of brandy .
27 Congress , I joined the Labour Party and I became a Socialist , I remain a member of the Labour Party , I remain a Socialist , I 'm a trade unionist , I wo n't give up my Labour Party membership and I wo n't give up my involvement to my trade union and my linkage between the trade union movement and the Labour Party without a fight .
28 There is now no voltage applied to the phase winding and the current decays around a path which includes Tl , R c and diode Dl .
29 On 1 July the value of the index was 2400.0 and the current price of a future for delivery in six months was 62 000 .
30 The visit to see a sick child at hospital is always well appreciated and the following note by a mum is typical of the response generated
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