Example sentences of "of being [verb] [prep] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , as if all this was n't enough , the effects of being covered with this diseased , filthy mucus are identical to those from falling into the Miasmic Marsh ( area 63 ) — although they are not cumulative with those effects .
2 It must be capable of being repeated at some later date .
3 He says that the sheds need a good clean up , some of the cattle are showing the effects of being kept in such muddy conditions .
4 Maybe they are fed up of being seen as this natural type of band .
5 Thus a seminar , in which a number of speakers exchange ideas and information , is still a one-to-many mapping , because only one idea at a time is capable of being absorbed by each individual recipient .
6 That is a natural part of being that particular creature , of being surrounded by that particular configuration of mental and tattvic apparatus .
7 At my first event in Fort Worth , I had held on to the few people I knew as though for dear life , terrified at the thought of being stranded in this great wilderness .
8 In doing that , instead of being distributed on those two factors , it 's all distributed using S S A.
9 Meanwhile the passenger in the second car was reliving the horror of being towed at such great speed .
10 Some parents even said they had been aware of being watched for some considerable time .
11 In the present case , since the decision in Thomas v. University of Bradford [ 1987 ] A.C. 795 shows that judicial review does lie against the visitor , so his decision is capable of being reviewed on any one of Lord Diplock 's three grounds , including illegality .
12 Polyethylene terephthalate is , it could be argued , the ideal bottle-making material — immensely strong , very light in weight , with glass-like clarity and excellent gas barrier properties , pure and inert , capable of being produced to any desired shape and in any colour .
13 Seeing it , and thinking of him safely in heaven with no risk now of being zipped into this airless rubber gas-bag made Dot start to cry .
14 We asked if she was getting tired of being subjected to all these questions , and she said that she had a few more minutes before she had to go and meet Jack and Rod for lunch .
15 For example , he or she may complain now of thoughts racing through the head , now of having no thoughts at all , or , on one occasion , of being bombarded by external stimulation , making concentration difficult , and , on another , of being fixated on some trivial detail in the outside world .
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