Example sentences of "of a [noun sg] [vb -s] that the " in BNC.

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1 In either situation , both with an escapement and without , the absence of a check means that the hammer could bounce up again after hitting the string .
2 It is a massive concerto in four movements rather than the usual three — the addition of a scherzo emphasises that the work has the characteristics of both a concerto and a symphony .
3 Herbert Spencer , a leading nineteenth-century social theorist , crystallised this view when he wrote : ‘ The welfare of a society requires that the ethics of the Family and the ethics of the State shall be kept distinct .
4 A delightful unguent jar from Mostagedda carved from ivory in the form of a hippopotamus argues that the animal attracted favourable attention .
5 The large , well-known company possesses ‘ expertise ’ and can be ‘ trusted ’ , while the reference to employment of a chemist reveals that the small company lacking the attributes of wealth and competence is less able to comply , and implicitly untrustworthy .
6 For a molecular biologist , knowledge of a sequence means that the function of the protein specified by that sequence is known — for example the protein may form an ion channel or be an enzyme metabolizing a particular molecule .
7 It has never been the principle of any health service management that the acceptance of a referral means that the person referred will be seen tomorrow .
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