Example sentences of "of a [noun sg] [noun sg] is the " in BNC.

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1 As already stated , a necessary feature of a currency union is the existence of a union monetary authority responsible for the union 's monetary policy .
2 The major benefit to clients of the use of a computer system is the cost saving involved .
3 Another example of a dispersal anachronism is the extraordinary palm , Lodoicea maldivica , now restricted to small areas of the Seychelles .
4 The advantages of a brewery lease is the small amount of capital needed to set up .
5 The partial pressure of a component gas is the pressure the gas would exert if it alone occupied the total volume at the same temperature .
6 In spite of all the technological developments land sophistication and speed of modern communication , the point of a campaign roadshow is the same as it was in the days of the whistle-stop tour when politicians addressed voters from the backs of trains : to communicate with the maximum number of people in the short time available .
7 The fourth and final principle is : ‘ the measurement of a quality performance is the price of non-conformance . ’
8 Another feature of a trade union is the nature of authority of its leaders .
9 The owner of a design right is the designer unless he creates the design in the course of his employment or has been commissioned to create it .
10 Gena Corea , a co-founder of the National Coalition Against Surrogacy quoted from the American Fertility Society 's ethical report , ’ The primary medical indication for use of a surrogate mother is the inability of a woman to provide with the genetic ( the egg ) or the gestation component ( the uterus ) for childbearing ’ .
11 As an alternative to undergravel filters , funds permitting , the use of a power filter is the next best thing .
12 ( a ) Assembly of information to prepare a draft contract The preparation of a draft contract is the task of the seller 's conveyancer and is the addition of the information acquired directly from the seller or the estate agents , together with the information contained in the deeds and documents of title .
13 One common example of a phase transition is the freezing of water when you cool it down .
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