Example sentences of "of a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of a contrary statement in the contract between X and Y Ltd. , property will normally have passed by virtue of sections 16–18 of the Sale of Goods Act ( paragraphs 3–07 to 3–24 ) .
2 It is not easy to find a general definition of the normal meaning of irony , but it usually stands for a process by which the content of a statement is qualified either by the reader 's attribution of a contrary intention to the author , or by the reader 's awareness of factors that are in conflict in one way or another with what is being said .
3 For , in the absence of a contrary agreement with the original lessor , the original tenant remains liable throughout the entire term of the lease irrespective of the fact that he or she may have assigned or sold the tenancy to another .
4 It subsequently transpired that the conveyancing arrangements I have described were part of a fraudulent scheme of the Hammonds to obtain money for themselves using the property as security .
5 I am interested in an aspect of it which exists , it at all , in terms of that contradiction — of a parodic critique of the essence of sensibility as conventionally understood .
6 Mrs Thatcher , although she has criticised the Delors monetary union plan for being ‘ undemocratic , ’ is determined to try to exclude consideration of a bigger role for the European Parliament from the Rome Treaty review process .
7 I saw once the head of a dear friend among the leaves and was less astonished at what first seemed an apparition than by his disentangling himself and in the flesh bidding his good morning , so accustomed was I to looking for my thoughts and news among the leaves .
8 A dolphin can emit up to 700 clicks a second with this apparatus and from them is able to detect not only the presence of a solid object in the water but to deduce what sort of object it is .
9 RIBA Council , on the recommendation of the regional council , approved the setting up of a fifth branch in the region to serve the members in Central Wales .
10 Not being in possession of a verbatim record of the submission by the County , I have prepared twelve linked submissions in this matter , document G W Fourteen B , which seek to rebut with justification the point believed to have been made on behalf of the County and District Councils .
11 But the month-by-month figures ( Figure 2 ) do show a very sharp drop in temperatures very soon after the eruption — totally disagreeing with the forecast of a greatest influence on the hemispheric environment 18 months to two years after the dust veil is blown into the stratosphere .
12 He also believed , first , that France was unlikely to be able to secure an alliance with Britain ( because of the two countries ' disagreement about the Near East in 1840 ) ; second , that Britain might support Russia in the event of a Russian attack on the Ottoman Empire ( because of the Anglo-Russian discussions which had taken place in London in 1844 ) ; and third , that in any event he could count on the support of Austria ( because of the assistance he had rendered Vienna in putting down the Hungarians in 1849 ) .
13 AWARD-WINNING salesman Nick Hughes showed this topless photo of a Russian hooker to a woman customer — and got fired .
14 Isaac Wolfson , son of a Russian refugee in the furniture business in Glasgow , became lord of chain store after chain store in the Fifties .
15 But make sure you pay attention not just to the basic impulses and enthusiasms , which are sound and fine ; not just to the incidental portrait of a consummate mountaineer in the passages about Dave Breashears ; but also to a strange sort of instinctual third dimension which Blessed 's larger than life character seems to entice into play :
16 FIREMEN found the body of a 13-year-old girl in a burned-out hay barn yesterday .
17 David Herald and Paul Muller presented their analysis under the heading ‘ Observation of a probable change in the solar radius between 1715 and 1979 ’ .
18 The substitution of a phoneme by its mid-class N ( i.e. the inclusion of and as alternatives to in the phoneme graph ) will therefore increase the probability of a correct correspondence between the phoneme graph and the acoustic signal .
19 The search for a laterality index that is not biased with respect to accuracy recently led Bryden and Sprott ( 1981 ) to propose the adoption of a new index , lamda , based on the log odds ratios ( P/ ( l — P ) ; P/ ( l -P ) where PR and P , are the respective probabilities of a correct response at the left and right sides .
20 Under his direction , the Ulster Constitution Defence Committee maintained its traditional line that O'Neill was not responding to the legitimate demands of a disadvantaged section of the population , but giving in to the demands of rebels who would never be satisfied with anything less than the destruction of Northern Ireland .
21 Since the late 1940s the Queen Mother had been the darling of National Hunt racing : it was largely her enthusiasm for the sport that raised its status from that of a poor relation to the Flat to , by the mid-1950s , a position of near equality — in popularity if not in the prize money available .
22 But the point is that the mind of a child is often capable of a greater grasp of the complexity of a theological problem than an adult .
23 The immediate origins of a greater alliance between the state and science lay in military anxieties over the Boer War debacle .
24 Between February and October the Labour and Tory votes both fell , and Labour 's parliamentary success was merely the result of a greater slump in the Tory vote .
25 On the one hand , if the landlord has redevelopment plans or if a higher rent could be achieved on a reletting of a greater part of the building , it will be in the landlord 's interest to ensure that all tenancies are expressed to expire on the same date .
26 Having wasted his own considerable inheritance and his wife 's fortune , he stood in need of a greater reward at the Revolution than the minor place of treasurer of the chamber , which , aside from various local dignities , was all he received .
27 Some consist of a simple bowl with a lip , over which the water trickles , while others come in sections of varying lengths and shapes which can be joined together to form complex arrangements .
28 As long as transmutationism was linked to the old idea of a simple ascent of a linear scale , it was doomed to failure .
29 On the question of Danzig there was no possibility of a simple answer to the problem of attachment and government .
30 ‘ The mere fact that more than a thousand police officers know that their conduct is under investigation can , it seems to us , in no sense diminish the prejudice suffered by a particular officer against whom there was a prima facie case of the commission of a criminal offence at a very early stage of that investigation . ’
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