Example sentences of "of a [noun] between a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hence , if the working fluid contains an indicator and is titrated to be close to the end-point of that indicator , the application of a voltage between a fine wire and some other point in the flow can produce a local colour change at the wire .
2 The existence of an internationalised contract between a private entity and a State is frequently asserted , and there does not appear to be any reason why international law can not be the proper law of a contract between an international organisation and a private entity .
3 Instead of the sexy bits he 'd opted for poetic descriptions of London at night and the philosophic chapter from his last book about the beauties of a relationship between a young girl and an older man .
4 On the other hand , in Freud , there is the possibility of a conflict between an instinctual wish-impulse and the values and norms of the society .
5 This got to the heart of the matter , the need to make reality out of pious hopes , and it recognized the propaganda value of a contest between a Labour candidate and a Unionist working man in a critical by-election .
6 The firm , Hook Harris , came into existence in 1987 as the result of a merger between an old established Isle of Wight firm , A E Hook & Co , and Ms Harris 's own practice in Southampton , Gaynor Harris .
7 The new talent came exclusively from television , with the exception of Nicolas Roeg , a cameraman who made his directorial début with Donald Cammell on Performance ( 1970 ) , about the weird results of a meeting between a strong-arm gangster and a drop-out pop star .
8 His body clock free-ran so that on occasions he was the victim of a clash between an internal cause — which thought it was night and wanted him to sleep — and an external cause , society — which required him to work in the ( real ) daytime .
9 The reason the Labradoodle caught my eye is that Bubbles is the result of a liaison between a Miniature Poodle and — wait for it — a Labrador/Boxer cross .
10 Billeting allowances were available to cover the cost of hosting an evacuee ( for unaccompanied children , 10s 6d per week for the first child , 8s 6d each for subsequent children ) and billeting officers had powers of compulsion to utilise appropriate accommodation , but most , being from the locality themselves , preferred to ruffle as few feathers as possible — with the result that on arrival many evacuees found themselves in a scene ‘ reminiscent of a cross between an early Roman slave market and Selfridge 's bargain basement ’ , as one witness put it .
11 Fig. 5.2 shows a photograph of a collision between a high energy proton and antiproton .
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