Example sentences of "of a [noun] [prep] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Now if we consult this record , and remember the success , in giving it its modern form , of a gallery of reformers of roughly utilitarian hue from Tom Paine , Bentham , J.S. Mill , and Tolstoy , to Bernard Shaw , Sidney and Beatrice Webb , and Evelyn Strachey , we might wonder why its provisions for animals do not embody more closely the ideals of that theory .
2 He attributes his success in holding Basildon to the front page of Thursday 's Sun — ‘ If Kinnock wins today will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights ’ — and in being treated as something of a hero within sections of the Conservative Party .
3 Quantum leaps from working class to the chair of a board of directors of a multinational corporation are rare , which is why they attract so much attention when they occur .
4 We can give descriptions of a photon in terms of the way it behaves , but it is very hard for us to imagine what a photon actually is .
5 The report , which examined whether industry , commerce and the police had sufficient specialist advice to assist in the detection and investigation of offences , recommends that business and the Government highlight the cost of computer misuse as part of an overall promotion of computer security awareness ; conduct regular surveys of the incidence of computer misuse ; and encourage the development of a directory of suppliers of expert advice .
6 Consequently , a member state would be bound to authorise the registration of a vessel of nationals of another member state only if those nationals were entitled , in the light of those criteria , to benefit by the quotas of the first member state .
7 But in 1872 discovered one of the jewels of nineteenth-century physics , a precise quantitative relation giving the entropy of a gas in terms of mechanical quantities , namely the distribution of positions and velocities of its molecules .
8 Occasionally she was caught for a fraction of a second with images of a pig 's cot wall with a black cat on it or a square stone chapel silhouetted in Sunday dusk , but these were inconsequential visitations , debris from the past uncovered by the rhythms of a particular song or the set and angle of a passing face , a passing mood .
9 Are we to account for the behaviour of a bureaucracy in terms of the behaviour of the human individuals comprising it , or vice versa ?
10 The use of relative molecular mass ( Mr ) and molar mass ( M ) to calculate the amount of a substance in units of moles is explained in section 4.2 .
11 It is important to emphasise that , as we have defined it , transparency is the end-point of a continuum of degrees of opacity , much as ‘ cleanness ’ is the end-point of a continuum of ‘ degrees of dirtiness ’ ( see chapter 9 ) .
12 The legislature consists of a Chamber of Deputies of 254 members elected directly for four-year terms with half of the seats renewable every two years , and a 46-member Senate nominated by the legislatures of each of the 23 provinces for nine-year terms with one-third of the seats renewable every three years .
13 National legislative authority rests with a bicameral National Congress consisting of a Chamber of Deputies of variable size ( 487 in 1990 ) elected every four years by a system of proportional representation and a Federal Senate with 72 members elected for eight-year terms and with elections at four-year intervals for , alternately , one-third and two-thirds of the seats .
14 ( 4 ) This is a limited disqualification and applies only to the granting of a licence for premises of which the member of the board is owner or tenant .
15 I feel like a worker in Stalinist Russia denouncing his comrades but I say , ‘ Well , I thought of a couple of friends of mine … ’
16 So , taking account of the polonium , local people relying mainly on local milk , meat and vegetables could expect doses over a period of a couple of years of about 4 to 15 rems ; more incidentally , than people at Hiroshima within 2 km of the bomb .
17 It did occur because the depression was so er , was so long erm , but by and large , farmers do n't go out of , do n't cease erm , production just because of a couple of years of er , poor harvests or low , low prices .
18 And after a matter of a couple of years of use , er the service had already been curtailed , from nine trains down to five per day , erm and er shortly the passenger service was completely withdrawn .
19 It was just why I 'm I mean wi the last meeting we had , took me sort of three pages to write what we 've got to do and each item that we 've got to do is sort of a couple of sheets of A four .
20 The general consensus among modern anthropologists is that we too should get away from the notion of private property as we know it , when we analyse the economic system of pre-literate peoples , but instead talk of a multiplicity of rights of different types .
21 In suggesting programmes according to level we have taken account of a range of dimensions of difficulty .
22 With more money available to satisfy scientific curiosity , with the development of a range of types of boring equipment and with the adaptation of seismic work , the solid profiles beneath alluvium can more often be determined .
23 But as the pictorial innovations of Picasso and Braque — the construction of a painting in terms of a linear grid or framework , the fusion of objects with their surroundings , the combination of several views of an object in a single image , and of abstract and representational elements in the same picture — began to influence a widening circle of artists , the style became distinguishable by virtue of these features .
24 I 'm not going to attempt to pour cold water on it , for any plaudits we get here from the South where racing is concerned should be gratefully received , but I noticed that the award was based on the votes of a panel of members of the Racing Club of Ireland and ‘ leading racing writers ’ .
25 Conservationists argue that they are far less of a threat to stocks of fish such as salmon than water diversion schemes and bad logging practices .
26 More fundamentally … welfare pluralists can not escape opening wider the door to privatisation by the support for the commercial sector inherent in their advocacy of a plurality of sources of welfare .
27 The source of meaningfulness of these ideas lies in the logical relationships that bind together a cluster of basic ideas into a coherent pattern Thus if the idea of numerical diversity presupposes the possibility of irreducible relations , the idea of irreducible relations , in its turn , presupposes the possibility of an objective order , and the idea of an objective order ( I shall argue ) is unintelligible without the idea of a plurality of points of view occupied by different selves .
28 The design strategy is to define the possible information content of a message in terms of the necessary minimum of variations , then to design the structure so that it has a maximum content of standardized information and requires the minimum number of specific triggers to identify the variation to be conveyed .
29 the beginnings of a dialogue between representatives of different national and theoretical approaches .
30 Cell walls are made up of a variety of substances of which only one , cellulose , is truly fibrous in the sense of being filamentous or threadlike .
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