Example sentences of "of the second [noun sg] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Requisitioned by the Home Office at the start of the Second World War the Manor provided accommodation for the Canadian Air Force who flew from the nearby air base of RAF Linton .
2 At the end of the Second World War the US and UK set out to construct a new order for international trade and investment , a set of institutions and arrangements that became known as the Bretton Woods system .
3 At the turn of the century an amount equal to only approximately 2.5 per cent of the GDP was spent on social services ; by the outbreak of the Second World War the percentage had risen to 11–12 per cent , and since the war it has risen to around 40 per cent .
4 In the decade following the conclusion of the Second World War the Western powers , and in particular the United States under the Truman and Eisenhower administrations , negotiated a whole series of bilateral and multilateral security treaties with Asian states , which in certain cases took the form of formal alliances .
5 In the case of the Second World War the point is clear .
6 However till the outbreak of the Second World War the majority of working class houses had a coal range in the living room , over which cooking was carried out .
7 For example the combined current account surplus of the OPEC countries expanded from $8 billion in 1973 to $60 billion the next year before subsiding back to only $5 billion by 1978 , and in the aftermath of the second oil shock the surplus rose to $65 billion in 1979 , $ 110 billion in 1980 , but was then eliminated by 1983 as oil prices came under some downwards pressure .
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