Example sentences of "of the way in [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The reason why I have detained readers of New Scientist with such minutiae is that the ‘ Mink on Shetland ’ presents us with a case study of the way in which decisions affecting the wildlife of Britain are being left to the ephemeral whims of local personages .
2 Perhaps recognition of a field of urban physical geography is an indication of the way in which geomorphologists are beginning to perceive a world pattern .
3 All business activity is related either explicitly in terms of the way in which functions are organised or implicitly by the business system .
4 He liked Eden , and he found it easy to disapprove of the way in which Chamberlain had handled relations with him .
5 This is a relatively minor example of the way in which memories of past events can be locked into muscles in spasm , a subject which will be dealt with more fully in the section on ego-strengthening .
6 However , this does imply a rather static and mechanical view of the way in which memories may be fixed within the brain .
7 This is an investigation of the way in which firms react to new entry into their markets with special reference to the use of advertising expenditure .
8 This ability to use gestures and to engage in symbolic play is considered a necessary precursor to the child 's understanding of the way in which meanings are represented in words and sentences .
9 Chomsky is therefore highly critical of the way in which Skinner uses operant terminology to account for language .
10 Their research produced statistical evidence of the way in which TV news systematically favoured certain points of view of current events , rather than maintaining the balance that was claimed ( Glasgow University Media Group 1976 ; see also Glasgow University Media Group 1985 ) .
11 He talked of his father 's psychic abilities and also of the way in which Alfred Watkins had come to see the ley mark points in terms of the old elements : fire , earth , air and water .
12 The Second Period was the time during which was laid down the evidence the nature of which has been revealed by men such as Charles Darwin and others , who gave to the world an understanding of the way in which evolution has operated through thousands of millions of years .
13 Some further evidence of the complexities involved in handling the problems of the relationship between social and economic change and change in the family comes from accounts of the way in which families handle problems of migration in societies undergoing processes of urbanization and industrialization .
14 Studies of the way in which earthquake waves are transmitted through the Earth have shown that its interior has a concentric structure .
15 Part 3 provides examples of the way in which programmes may be developed using the new Sciences modules .
16 It provides a metric , imperfect though it may be , for studies of the way in which scientists interact in the course of their work , and through that for research into the more fundamental issues underlying the growth and development of scientific thought .
17 Ocean levels were not constant , being dependent on a complex interchange of geophysical events requiring an understanding of the way in which sea and land change place with each other ( see Chapter 9 ) .
18 The Great Mother is a symbol of the way in which life is brought into being in the world , from the first hidden appearance of a spark of life in the covered darkness to the birth of a fully formed being .
19 The City Code was introduced in March 1968 as the City 's response to mounting criticism from the press and Parliament of the way in which takeovers were being conducted and some of the tactics being used .
20 Generations of schoolchildren have learnt that the Chicago School 's famous concentric rings diagram ( Figure 2.3 ) was simply a physical picture of the way in which cities expand .
21 The fact that shares and deposits of the personal sector feature so largely among building society liabilities is partly the result of their origins but also of the way in which building society interest is taxed .
22 This book shows how the teaching of vocabulary can acquire a principled foundation ; how appropriate linguistic models of the lexicon , and knowledge of the way in which vocabulary is learned and stored , can transform a seemingly vast , shapeless mass of words into an organized resource .
23 This is another example of the way in which damages are intended to reflect only what you have really lost .
24 Because of the way in which adults respond to infants , these early vocalisations occur with increasing frequency .
25 The best example of this and of the way in which Switchboard tends to mirror the mainstream gay ( and still mainly male ) community lies in the organization 's response to AIDS .
26 His deep understanding of the way in which sport is administered and funded enabled the £2,000,000 pipedream of an artificial white water slalom course to be built at Holme Pierrepont , Nottingham , to become reality .
27 The nauseating ‘ documentary ’ film , Der ewige Jude ( The Eternal Jew ) , receiving its première in November 1940 — a year which also saw the production of two other anti-Semitic films , Jud Süss and Die Rothschilds , in a concentrated attempt to ‘ educate ’ German opinion and harden attitudes on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ — provides an illustration of the way in which propaganda was now directly linking Hitler himself with the need for a most radical ‘ solution ’ to the ‘ Jewish problem ’ .
28 Investigations of the way in which drugs act draw on a knowledge of physiological and biochemical processes .
29 There were also indications that branches of physical geography were acknowledging the necessity for studies of processes in view of the way in which processes were featuring more prominently in related disciplines .
30 The Law Society 's presentation of the duty solicitor scheme and its public reception is important as an illustration of the way in which solicitors wish to be seen , in order to legitimate the way in which they operate .
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