Example sentences of "of the [adj] [noun sg] of such " in BNC.

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1 The speeches of famous visionary leaders such as Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King offer good examples of the skilful use of such rhetorical devices , which allow their listeners to ‘ see ’ the visions as if they were real .
2 Because of the immediate nature of such patients ' problems it is important that whatever form of help is offered should be available without too much delay , and for this reason health-centre-based therapists may be of particular value , as has been shown in the case of psychologists ( Robson et al. 1984 ) and social workers ( Shepherd et al. 1979 ) .
3 By Sept. 30 all banks had to secure a statement of the identity of the real owner of such accounts .
4 ( 3 ) The consent of the Secretary of State is not required for the disposal of land which is or forms part of property mentioned in sub-paragraph ( 1 ) above where the disposal is in consequence of the compulsory acquisition of such land by any authority in pursuance of any power of compulsory acquisition under any enactment ; but the Funding Council shall inform the Secretary of State of any such compulsory acquisition .
5 Exhaustive assessment of the probable incidence of such eventualities lies outside the scope of these pages .
6 It is proposed to focus on insider dealing within financial conglomerates because of the probable extent of such trading , that is , the degree to which insider dealing probably occurs ; the damage it causes , both economically ( through the disruption of the efficient allocation of scarce economic resources ) , and socially ( through losses in public confidence in the operation of the financial markets ) ; and finally , the problem of detection ( self-evident from the low levels of prosecutions over recent years ) .
7 This issue is important because of the complex nature of such frauds , meaning that proof of actual knowledge is hard to acquire .
8 They have not shrunk from setting aside gifts made to persons in a position to exercise undue influence over the donors , although there has been no proof of the actual exercise of such influence ; and the courts have done this on the avowed ground of the necessity of going this length in order to protect persons from the exercise of such influence under circumstances which render proof of it impossible .
9 The issue here is whether the statistics on female crime provide an accurate picture of the actual extent of such crime .
10 SMP 's ‘ success ’ relative to such projects as MME must be understood , at least partially , in terms of the differential availability of such resources as status , academic legitimacy and finance , and not merely in terms of such factors as ‘ flair ’ , something SMP members themselves seem to have well understood . [ … ]
11 Twice the number of indecent assault on females were noted in the local newspapers , but this still remains a disproportionately small proportion of the total number of such offences .
12 Civil law judicial systems tend to have a much more straightforward evidential system , arising out of the inquisitorial nature of such systems .
13 It may have to be accepted that recurrent brief admissions are a necessary part of the long-term care of such a patient .
14 In this article Malcolm Payne maps , with considerable skill and brevity , the elements of a history of psychodynamic theory in social work ; a review of the current importance of such theory ; and finally outlines not quite a manifesto but at least several strategies to further the influence of psychodynamic theory .
15 However , recent years have seen the development of the extended role of such services .
16 How well most dereligionized pupils can come to an understanding of the profound significance of such stories for religious people depends on teaching which is both informative and inspiring .
17 If these drugs can selectively block the hydrogen bonding in the DNA of cancer cells , then replication of the genetic material of such cells will be halted , and proliferation of tumours may be foiled .
18 The second method of creating harmony in free twelve-note music is mostly concerned with the qualities of intervals ( their different degrees of consonance or dissonance ) , their combination in chords , and the control of the horizontal flow of such chords .
19 A consideration of the cultural context of such concept formations is largely absent from his work .
20 The word ’ money ’ is not present , although the use of the currency sign does suggest a monetary value ( the investigation of the semantic role of such special characters will form part of future studies ) .
21 This means that the State helps the community in resisting the amassing of wealth in the hands of a few members , because of the disruptive implication of such a process .
22 Many of the areas most fully developed theoretically in Bourdieu 's earlier work are simplified in the interests of achieving an understanding of the underlying structure of such a complex phenomenon as modern French society as a totality .
23 Part B requested prompt investigation by the Secretary-General of the reported use of such weapons .
24 At the heart of the urgent appeal of such songs are Tom 's strident vocals , which sound every bit as doomy and forceful as the material demands .
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