Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] of [noun] then " in BNC.

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1 The annual general meeting of the Society of Archers then takes place .
2 Were we able to exhume the body of the Earl of Moira then we would see an example of John Hunter 's technique , as performed by his two assistants John Doratt and Everard Hone .
3 On the other hand , unless there is some evidence of the existence of God then positive arguments about the need to trust a Deity become negative arguments about credulous and uncritical behaviour .
4 But in the advanced technologies , up to our own time , it has been almost impossible for working companies to have direct access to their relevant means of production , and a third form of the division of labour then appears , and in capitalist conditions becomes stable and regular .
5 If findings from Liverpool are representative of the rest of Britain then many unnecessary circumcisions are performed each year at considerable cost to the health service and morbidity for the patients .
6 But if we asked about the history of the appearance of characters then the answer is ‘ yes ’ .
7 What they did not seem to perceive was that non-intervention in the Spanish conflict was part of the policy of appeasement then being followed by the western powers , or that , even if a European war began before the Spanish conflict were settled , the European democracies would be reluctant to take on extended commitments , especially if this meant running the risk — as they saw it — of assisting communism on Europe 's southern flank .
8 For the implication of his theory of power is that if we break out of the regime of sexuality then power will play through a new series of discourses .
9 The writer of the book of Kings then speaks of ‘ ’ a still small voice ’ , and this time Elijah wraps himself in his cloak , and hears the reproaching voice again .
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