Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] with [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The prevailing winds originate from the south and south-west , a consequence of the frequency with which depressions ( with their anti-clockwise circulation ) pass to the north of the islands .
2 Along with the knights , the chaplains , and the officials , there travelled the ladies of the court with their servants , and a sizeable contingent of young boys .
3 Anyhow the upshot is , one way or another I 'm lying in the front seat of the Boomerang with my trousers round my knees and copping a twenty-dollar blowjob from a speed-fuelled Zulu called Agnes .
4 She sits curled up in the corner of the sofa with her feet tucked under her and her half-written letter to her cousin waiting in her lap .
5 So complementary medicine looks for the healing of the whole individual : the different parts of the body as they interact with one another , the mind-body as an integral system , the harmony of the individual with his/her surroundings and the harmony of the Universe at large .
6 Her more elaborate portraits are in oil , as her most outstanding recent commission , a portrait of the Queen with her dogs at Sandringham .
7 From the top we had a wide view of the valley with its bands of colour : the blue of the river dotted with white sails , the green fields on either side , and the enclosing tan-coloured deserts .
8 Quite apart from Lanfranc 's example , the commonest of all images of authority , whether of the abbot with his monks , or the master with his pupils , or the king with his witan or barons , displayed the seated ruler presiding over them , dispensing justice and declaring doctrine .
9 Railways have even more interest in terms of the resulting local alteration of the landscape with their cuttings , tunnels , bridges and embankments .
10 Mother licked cream from the ice-cave interior of the meringue , then broke off part of the superstructure with her fingers and popped it into her mouth .
11 When he has not seen the man he has hoped to see , his long spine slackens and he falls back upon the red vinyl of the booth with his eyes closed and his foot shaking in a livid tic .
12 The idea is to be riding in the cool of the day , and when there is much less traffic — and they can then spend the rest of the day with their families .
13 Otherwise , if the weather was good , we would spend the rest of the day with our friends among the marble busts and statues in the romantic Giardino Pubblico , which had once been the Parco Ducale of Maria Luigia 's palace .
14 Geoffrey Haynes , his red features as furious as ever , stood on the opposite side of the square with his hands in his raincoat pockets and glowering at anyone who had the temerity to walk in front of him .
15 This supports a thick earthen plate which forms the ceiling of the cellar and carries above it the central core of the nest with its tiers of nurseries , fungus gardens , food stores and , of course , the royal chambers where the king and queen live .
16 But all her frantic thoughts were cut short as she opened the door , to see her own children sitting , staring in amazement at the red-faced boy in the middle of the floor with his hands raised to strike one of them .
17 In my experience , most female nurses ' idea of an erotic evening is sitting in front of the TV with their shoes off and an endless supply of cups of tea .
18 Two bespectacled scientists , doing an early season wasp count , were about to head back to the far end of the lake with their analyses of how often the summer visitors would be stung that year .
19 Nancy was standing in the middle of the yard with her hands to her face , shouting about a black bogey she 'd seen at the window of the hayloft .
20 She was also beginning to see the lie of the land with her in-laws .
21 She was forced to crouch in the bowels of the machine with her knees up around her ears , her elbows jammed against the interior dispensing machinery and her back wedged so tightly against the shelf supports that she was going to come out with her spine looking like a piece of corrugated duralinium .
22 In view of the slowness with which changes of mental outlook came about in those days , it is not surprising that even after the introduction of the mechanical clock in the fourteenth century most people , including many of the more sophisticated , were far less concerned in their daily life with the passage of time than we are .
23 There she was standing in front of the buffet with her eyes half-closed and no sign of the table being laid .
24 Very out of practice at driving , she had several near-misses on the motorway and her nerves were n't helped by Perdita spending most of the journey with her hands over her eyes , as Daisy ground recalcitrant gears and proceeded in a succession of jerks down the High Streets of Oxfordshire villages .
25 Fred sat on the end of the bed with his elbows on his knees and his hands hanging down with their knuckles back to back , like a tired football player in a dressing-room .
26 He thought that if he shot the barracuda behind the head , it would leap clear of the water with its jaws snapping .
27 The new exhibition of organic gardening , for example , would take visitors first through an electronic display which would simulate a magnified section of the sub-soil with its organisms and cycles .
28 It came in mid-morning , and brought them all slipping through the branches and the coarse grass to lie hidden on either side the narrowing of the path with their bows strung and their shafts fitted , listening for the soft thudding of hooves that came as a reverberation along the ground rather than a sound .
29 The Roman catholic church retained a unified hierarchical organization for the whole of the island with its bishops meeting periodically at Maynooth .
30 Everyone stands at one end of the room with their eggs in front of them on the floor .
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