Example sentences of "of this [noun sg] can [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Some aspects of this immediacy can also be transmitted by our contacts with non-human organisms whose lifespan far exceeds our own .
2 I feel a large part of this question can now be summed up by the following :
3 The importance of this level can hardly be exaggerated today .
4 The extraordinary intactness of the present find means that gold objects of this type can now be correctly dated and identified .
5 The value of this idea can really be judged only by reference to the value of the whole explanatory framework of ‘ indefinite ’ science , at whose basis it lies .
6 Formulas of this kind can only be the starting point in a process which always demands a sophisticated approach .
7 As things stand , a dilemma of this kind can only be resolved through the use of cumbersome legal machinery which is not appropriate to the situation .
8 Not specifically recorded in the NVC , but occurrences of this community can probably be equated to records for B.rufus .
9 Of course grandiose ideas of this sort can never be said to be entirely new .
10 A plan of this sort can always be worked out and imposed on a situation , but it is unlikely to work smoothly .
11 The political implications of this situation can easily be seen .
12 Though there were other important factors at work some part of this decline can reasonably be attributed to Brazil 's diminished sense of dependence on US military aid and protection ( Lowenthal , 1987 ) .
13 The nature of this dilemma can best be described as follows .
14 The objective of this investigation can now be re-stated as attempting to determine the following quantities :
15 Some of this information can already be found in ‘ Euro-Pop ’ , issued in Paris by the Centre Information du Rock .
16 All of this information can then be easily organised and related together to form your family tree .
17 One part of this myopia can doubtless be attributed to simple electoral panic .
18 The obvious correctness of this argument can easily be demonstrated by near-to-hand examples .
19 Evidence of the logical development of this practice can also be found in one ow two early industrial buildings .
20 The structured grid layout of this town can still be traced today in the St. Peter 's area of Stamford .
21 Analysis of this process can best be done by dividing urban areas into their functional zones .
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