Example sentences of "of this [noun sg] [pers pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In all the circumstances of this case I have come to the conclusion that on balance the children 's interests are better served by their being allowed to remain in England pending a determination by the High Court , in the exercise of its wardship jurisdiction , as to their future and whether it be in England or Australia .
2 It is timely to consider that , because since the beginning of this Session it has become compulsory for us to comply with European EIS legislation .
3 In the beautiful gardens of this quinta he has had planted over six hundred cycads from South Africa .
4 Erm , so in the top left of this spreadsheet I 've got some documentation , below that some blank rows , a key parameter section here .
5 In pursuit of this goal they have developed a number of specialized techniques .
6 SINCE the start of this saga I 've lost my wife , who is currently staying in a homeless flat with two of the children .
7 In the first quarter of this year we 've seen more moderate growth in those geographical areas but in nineteen eighty nine nearly forty percent of Pearson 's trading ca profit came from economies outside the U K and North America and we expect our activities in these other areas to continue to grow at a satisfactory rate .
8 The first three months of this year we 've had an increase in sales , but those have really been attributable to improved er t to stronger U S and Canadian currency rates .
9 Will the Secretary of State make clear to the summit that after fourteen years of this government we have seen unemployment treble to three million unemployed .
10 In the course of this discussion it has become apparent that the CMHT model is a varied animal , that teams have not fully resolved problems of integrating different professional and agency interests and approaches into streamlined service delivery systems , that a simple organisational re-shuffling of staff does not surmount tensions over professional relationships and responsibilities .
11 I I 've just received a fax of a letter sent to the leader of Liverpool City Council , coun er councillor Harry Rimmer by the right honourable member for Sutton Coldfield , in which he invites him to join an organisation called team two thousand er and as part of this invitation he 's invited to attend functions and briefings at Westminster , er at which cabinet m er ministers ministers e cabinet members ministers members of parliament , will be present .
12 It 's the worst offence of this kind I 've seen while working in South Gloucestershire .
13 In the first half of this book we have concentrated on the discovery and history of Madeira , its social and economic development , together with a description of its topography .
14 In the course of this book I have argued that , despite its unyielding appearance , the problem of holism can indeed be resolved : the stalemate between individualists and holists stems from their failure to perceive a number of dimensions which , once they are made explicit , point toward a solution .
15 what would make fifteen out of this lot we 've got here ?
16 In Commercial Plastics Ltd v Vincent [ 1965 ] 1 QB 623 the restrictive covenant read : " In view of the highly technical and confidential nature of this appointment you have agreed not to seek employment with any of our competitors in the PVC calendering field for at least one year after leaving our employ " .
17 Because of this danger we have taken the following preventive measures :
18 In the middle of this episode he had fled into the garden , terrified .
19 For the purposes of this paragraph we have conducted our analysis using the OPCS " 5 KOS occupational grouping system rather than the Warwick Institute of Employment 's WOC system .
20 He opened the door to his hospital room , keeping one hand tightly clenched on the back of this thing they had given him to wear .
21 For the purposes of this discography I 've ignored the most obvious ‘ Skinhead ’ hits and chosen , with the help of some friends , what I trust is a fairly objective selection of the best , and most popular records from 1968 to 1971 .
22 For the purposes of this chapter I have given the four schools fictitious names .
23 In the course of this chapter I have taken an historical perspective upon the nature of religious belief , looking in particular at writers from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries .
24 The lists of possessions bequeathed in aristocratic wills — horses , hunting-dogs and hawks , swords and daggers , belts and baldrics , body-armour , spurs , cloaks and furs , bracelets and rings , drinking-cups and silver dishes — allow a glimpse of this world we have lost .
25 Since then she had searched and searched , her curiosity unflagging , trying to catch him out — to find some small part of this world he had made that was n't finished .
26 There were some of the Dordogne , one of this house he had loved .
27 I 'm looking to select patients who have a high pressure and a low flow and for the sake of this study I 've drawn my lines at fifty centimetres of water for detrusor pressure during voiding and , and er fifteen mils per second .
28 ‘ In the course of this process we have talked to Miss Morgan 's solicitor , who told us that she was the life tenant of a substantial estate , and that you are what they call the remainder-man . ’
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