Example sentences of "of a [noun sg] [verb] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It contained four sheets of paper closely covered in unfamiliar handwriting , and it was a measure of how relaxed he was that it took him the best part of a minute to realise that he was holding a copy of the letter written by Ruggerio Miletti to his family three days previously .
2 A more explicit example of a contract suggests that it should contain three elements :
3 The ban takes the form of a circular stating that it is illegal to sell , purchase , import , export or even carry tiger bones or rhino horns and that they may not be used in medicines .
4 It has also been said that if a member of a court announced that he would give expression to his views by voting against every licence , he would be disqualified : McGeehan v. Knox ( supra ) , Lord Mackenzie at p.696 .
5 So enticing is the red gape of a cuckoo nestling that it is not uncommon for ornithologists to see a bird dropping food into the mouth of a baby cuckoo sitting in some other bird 's nest !
6 All this , I say , giving my gloss , can be read — and more particularly seen and heard , since Heseltine 's manner and presence carry their own conviction — as the utterance of a man demonstrating that he has been in the wilderness longer than it is in anyone 's interest .
7 It might come as something of a surprise to learn that he is now considered to be an Englishman .
8 The fact that the ‘ natural ’ climax community for the region could be held at bay by geographical factors such as the presence of a lake showed that there was no super-organism designed to flourish in a particular region .
9 It may well then be valuable for the beneficiary of a trust to know that he can obtain the property intended for him if he sues and prevails in cognitio against the trustee .
10 Thus , it is not open to an officer of a company to say that he was dealing as agent on behalf of the company .
11 For example , one can say of a brain process that it occupies a particular point in space or that it can be displayed on an oscilloscope screen ; whereas neither of these things could be said of , for example , the subjective sensation of the colour blue or of the thought that I hate Monday mornings .
12 For example , a child may use an action previously performed as part of a game to signify that she wishes the game to continue .
13 As we have seen , the notion of a duty entails that someone other than the duty-bearer must decide what action the duty requires .
14 Brutus says that he has no real reason to believe that Caesar would change his nature like this but because they had no proof either was it would be too much of a presumption to say that he would not change at all .
15 The Which Mortgage survey of the true costs of a mortgage shows that there are real savings to be made simply by choosing your lender carefully .
16 I think its a bit of a simplification to say that its , its nature 's way of keeping us going , because actually er ro , the idea that romantic love is the start of a life long relationship that produces off spring is really quite recent , erm for , for most of history er marriage 's were on the basis of continuing er lines , continuing property and people had to erm some how or other cope with living with ano another person that might not necessarily have been the person that they would of chosen from love and , and this is still true in many societies and situations now .
17 I had my hair cut very very short and I just all of a sudden realised that it was all a bit serious ; that something else was about to happen .
18 Cos Chris was saying things like oh his , yeah he 's been to the funeral and erm he 's all of a sudden found that he 's got loads of cousins he did n't even know about .
19 A horse will soon become used to the excitement of a show provided that he goes out on a regular basis from an early age .
20 The housekeeper , French by origin and known as Madame , was one of those fair Nordic or Norman types whose hair and complexion were of a uniformity to suggest that she had been dipped in custard .
21 It was , perhaps , something of a disappointment to find that they were all from Britain and that , therefore , the genuine folk background was lacking .
22 A study of the fine structure of a spherulite shows that it is built up of fibrous sub-units , growth takes place by the formation of fibrils which spread outwards from the nucleus in bundles , into the surrounding amorphous phase .
23 Ten years ago I had purchased such a camera , a Pentax ME Super , and fortunately , I was able to dig it out from the back of a cupboard to find that it was still in excellent working order .
24 It too , in a sense , is a potential person but it would seem the act of a fanatic to insist that it has a right to life .
25 For it is characteristic of an agnostic to hold that the existence of a god is a possibility in which there is no good reason either to believe or disbelieve ; and it is characteristic of an atheist to hold that it is at least probable that no god exists .
26 Echo still needs the connivance of an Apple to guarantee that it stays in synch with all system call releases .
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