Example sentences of "of a [noun] [pron] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For a fraction of a second I felt that life itself was no longer endurable .
2 For a fraction of a second it looked as though it were going to be just that , he 'd vaulted too hard and he was going to overshoot the small terrace and land on the ugly hard shapes of the garden furniture in the basement courtyard beneath .
3 And when you treated it as a function of a function you get that that thing inside there was the function
4 Reporters and photographers faithfully recorded the images presented to them — of a couple who smiled and carried out their duties professionally , but barely exchanged a word , a touch or glance .
5 Reporters and photographers recorded the images presented to them of a couple who smiled and carried out their duties professionally , but barely exchanged a word , a touch or a glance .
6 The Shogun V-6 , five-door model — one of a range which sells and sells .
7 The philosophy is the incorrect one of a marksman who feels that , if he shoots enough bullets at a target , one of them will hit it , and that the aim of none of them needs be very precise .
8 Richter in one of his analects wrote of a child who cried because the sun bad burned up the dew drops .
9 The more security you have , the more of a challenge it is for them and the more of a thrill they get if they get away with it .
10 If she was , then the administration of a caution which presupposed that an answer could not be compelled would be a self-contradictory formality which Parliament can not possibly have intended .
11 DH Lawrence 's " The Rainbow " was destroyed in 1915 , and " The Well of Loneliness " suffered the same fate in 1928 at the hands of a magistrate who felt that a passage which implied that two women had been to bed ( " And that night they were not divided " ) would induce " thoughts of a most impure character " and " glorify a horrible tendency " .
12 ( I was a little jealous — who would not be , when reading the private journal of a man you love and finding in it no mention of yourself , but instead only lush apostrophes to verminous whores ? )
13 Gomez 's slight smile was that of a man who believed that politeness demanded he act a little embarrassed at doing his job .
14 Silly literary prig , I thought , and how typical of a man who thinks that good writing can only be learnt from good reading to find spiritual anguish unreal .
15 I saw one young boy , of thirteen I would say , have his leg broken by one agent — a brute of a man who grinned when the lad cried out .
16 The special and attractive character of the Ortiz collection is that it is not just an assemblage of objects but the coherent vision of a man who believes that the whole is more than the sum of its parts and that the collector is as creative as the artist .
17 Mr Stannard was now contemplating Edward with the air of a man who wonders if he is getting his money 's worth .
18 To sustain the more general claims one would first need to have a systematic account of the class structure of a society which showed that the interests promoted by the state were in fact those of the ruling class .
19 Even though she 'd been dead for so long it could sometimes seem that she was still with him , a presence in the next room , someone on the other side of a door who waited and listened but who never stepped through , except when he dreamed .
20 Towards the end of each I will describe a recent example of a person who lived and suffered in such a way .
21 At the sight of a title he felt that he must bend the knee for her sake , as he knew that his wife yearned to enter what she saw to be the utterly perfect circle of society , conversation , fashion and taste described by the British aristocracy .
22 The true place of inflation in calculating the cost of credit is as part of a triangle which has as its other sides the interest to be gained from instalment savings and the interest to be paid for instalment credit — both of which are broadly related to inflation rates anyway .
23 There is a a colossal amount of inconsistency er of a kind that if we were to practice such inconsistency in our courts there would be there would be absolute outcry and it 's it 's something of a scandal I think that er that the police and the executive generally are apparently able to get away with inconsistencies which we are not .
24 I was getting caught up in the rat race and thin round the edges spiritually , when the Lord stepped in and reminded me of a promise He made before we left Kent .
25 As midnight chimed from her sliver of a wall-clock she rose and proposed a toast .
26 A bankrupt leader of a nation which feared that he would bankrupt it , too .
27 The special Latin status of ‘ Italian-ness ’ is especially evident in the extensive build-up to the Mondiali , which displays the extravagant aspects of a nation which exalts and gives equal value to cultural institutions like football and opera .
28 But he was in the middle of a restaurant he said and I ca n't , think he felt a bit awkward speaking
29 The family of a schoolboy who died when a derelict building fell on him are considering sueing for compensation .
30 But if we ( rightly ) say that God has to be unchangeable we do not mean he is static any more than if we say ‘ The Equator ’ is not the name of a poison we mean that it is safe to eat it .
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