Example sentences of "of the [adj -est] [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Silver Sabre has restored my confidence and I consider it to be one of the best machines that I have used .
2 Erm but Jan is one of the best organizers that I know .
3 erm one of the best programmes that I participated in was a programme where yes , money was spent to get matter for bucks as it 's called .
4 And as you say it 's one of the best things that they want .
5 We 've picked some of the best utilities that we believe could still find a place on your hard disk , even once you 've got MS-DOS installed there .
6 We consent to that and your Lordship one direction to help us when we come to calculating interest is one of the earliest figures that your Lordship came to and it was dealing with care to date .
7 Schüssler Fiorenza wishes to look to the women of the earliest church because she is a Christian .
8 One of the greatest things that I have become aware of is that if you have eight people to dinner , one or two of them will be vegetarians .
9 There are several ways of accomplishing this , and it is of the greatest importance that you teach the puppy to recognize its bed .
10 He is one of the finest strikers so I suppose you ca n't totally blame the defence but by this time I thought we were in for a beating .
11 Well one of the commonest complaints that we had to deal with was er when your time was up at twelve o'clock you they usually kept you working until about five or ten past twelve .
12 Paying tribute to him a colleague said today : ‘ He was a man of the highest integrity and his death represents a great loss to the Northern Ireland legal system . ’
13 Here was a student who overworked for more than a year and needed rest ; who was already in an emotional condition by the recognition of the highest ideals and their obligation upon him ; and then , instead of the rest which he needed , he had to endure the utterly unexpected death , in very distressing family conditions , of the person in the world to whom he felt nearest .
14 Another requirement is for the photocopy to be of the highest quality since it is usual for photocopies of standard letters to be sent to clients .
15 This is food of the highest quality and their feeding technique , although always involving the risk of physical injury , is the most efficient of all .
16 If it 's of equal , or greater , importance than the material it goes with , you want your image to be of the highest quality and you 're prepared to spend the time to achieve something a bit special .
17 Again I accept the constant parental care has been of the highest calibre and I remind myself of the many tributes to the quality of that care in the evidence before me .
18 It is of the highest importance that we continue to maintain these standards , and I am confident that together we can achieve this , and maintain the best traditions of public service in Lothian .
19 Oral examinations are intended to be a cross examination of the severest kind and your debtor will be required to bring his books , papers and documents into court with him .
20 It was in that sense one of the strangest interviews that anybody ever had with Jesus .
21 The deep-sea eyes never wavered as he gazed directly at her , and she had to force herself not to turn away , aware of the strangest feeling that he could somehow see straight into her mind .
22 He will recall that dealing with NIE and trying to bring electricity to Rathlin was not one of the easiest tasks that he or I had to undertake .
23 This is one of the simplest organisms that we know about .
24 Because they are one of the worst ones if they bought er a Land Rover or any any British make , Oh oh look at the shoddy British , they 're crying they 're up in arms and they 're doing exactly the same thing now .
25 The Secretary of State made one of the worst speeches that I have ever heard from a Minister in the House .
26 The police say it was one of the worst attacks that they 've seen on a horse .
27 SUTTON caused one of the biggest upsets when they toppled holders Coventry three years ago and today ex-Sky Blue Greg Downs returns there with his HEREFORD team .
28 That 's right and this is one of the biggest problems that we 've got .
29 That 's right , then again , I think that 's one of the biggest plans that you can use as your door-opener .
30 Supersight had one of the biggest stands and it stood , emblazoned with the company logo , in the centre of the tent .
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