Example sentences of "of the [adj] [noun] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 MUCH of the advance publicity that surrounded Hook , Steven Spielberg 's adaptation of J. M. Barrie 's Peter Pan story , concentrated on the ageing directorial wunderkind 's affinity for the subject of a boy who never grows up .
2 And suddenly , despite fitzAlan 's merciless vow of retribution , a fatalistic calmness descended on her , bringing a return of the cool impassivity that had served her so well in the past .
3 Well one of the , you see , one of the strange things that happened at that time , traditionally engineers , and I think I said this in my previous statements to you , for example in where there was no bonus ever adhered to , er our members looked at their , the daily production er er routine , that any interference as far as time was concerned , by the management you know , would be an intrusion on their sacrificial rites , and therefore it was n't tolerated .
4 My last charter had begun ; I had one week to work , then it would be back to Masquerade , and then to the long winds of the southern ocean that led to the uttermost ends of the earth , and thus to happiness .
5 Lord Hanson , head of the industrial conglomerate that bears his name , earned £1.38m and Sir Paul Girolami , head of Glaxo , the rival drugs group , £1m .
6 Over 550 boreholes have already been drilled and another 18 holes ( funded by a consortium of 13 oil companies ) were drilled in 1990 , concentrated in the area west of the Outer Hebrides Platform and east of the extensive basalts that cover the outer shelf and North Rockall Trough .
7 These quantitative measures though , do not reflect the impact of the extensive coordination that takes place between formally independent firms nor the importance of affiliation through subcontracting .
8 While the political literati lay waste to vast tracts of newsprint in their musings about the causes of Labour 's failure , and the shortcomings of the political system that compounded it , those people who constitute what ought to be the bedrock of oppositional electoral support are becoming increasingly alienated not only from the Labour Party , but from the entire political process .
9 In part , at least , this reflected the influence of Russian history and of the political tradition that derived from it .
10 Er , the European project goes on and for many of the newer generations in this place , it 's not longer an article of faith er but a part of the political landscape that has to be dealt with on merit and it 's all the more ludicrous therefore Mr Deputy Speaker , that the Conservatives ' internal divisions over Maastricht have led to a situation where candidates for the ever more important European elections are only now being selected in certain seats , just fourteen weeks before the election .
11 But in fashioning his movement , Baden-Powell skilfully wove together any number of the political questions that preoccupied his contemporaries , and the movement 's spectacular growth drew on deep funds of social anxiety — anxieties which invariably settled around the excessive liberty allowed to young people and the attendant demoralisation which was , in turn , linked to a newly perceived upsurge in crime and violence among the young .
12 So much for the handwringing about the decline of the political process that goes on in Washington .
13 The outcome of the political merry-go-round that sets nominal tax rates has produced a roughly proportionate tax structure .
14 1 The established constitution and the rules that are part of it are an aspect of the constraining context that operates on everyday politics .
15 PASS & CO. have over thirty years experience in prevention and preservation work in houses and are a member of the Professional Associations that control and regulate this work .
16 This has often been achieved because of the professional relationships that have developed by actively working to improve levels of understanding and the quality of leadership .
17 The novel proves that knowledge is possible , but also that it is in a sense artificial : it does not come from the past , historical knowledge in particular can not simply be uncovered , laid bare and put out to view ( or rather , the novelist can no longer create the illusion that the past is speaking for itself ) ; it is a construction of the past , and the reader is conscious of , and in compliance with , the careful disposition and organization of the disparate elements that go to make up the whole edifice .
18 Throughout their journey they had felt little of the uneasy fear that smells danger behind every bush but despite the weariness that dulled their senses these half-seen forms of rock among the trees seemed now to imply a threatening human presence .
19 Typical of the uneasy compromises that resulted was the Ten Articles of Faith laid down by convocation in 1536 .
20 To conclude that the potential for peasant revolution against the status quo remained undiminished in the decade after 1905 does not of course , dispose of the liberal contention that given a longer period of peaceful development the prospects would have changed .
21 Less accomplished lecturers repeated the message at meetings of the second-rate institutions that infect academic life .
22 And the finest part of the arrangement is this , that the members of this money aristocracy can take the shortest road through the middle of all the labouring districts to their places of business without ever seeing that they are in the midst of the grimy misery that lurks to the right and the left .
23 By the time they are mature , hedgehogs can have several thousand of the modified hairs that give them their prickly appearance and an ideal form of defence against attackers .
24 * Of the tropical rainforest that covered the equatorial belts of Asia , Africa and South America just 80 years ago , over half has now gone .
25 He would have forfeited the fragile trust Surere had put in him , and if he turned him over to Kenamun , he would lose all trace of the delicate thread that seemed , somehow , to link Surere with the girls ' deaths .
26 This , rather neatly , brings us to another of the major problems that besets the desktop publishing market ; fonts and their presentation .
27 Reckitt is one of the major companies that dominate the market .
28 How many of the major companies that broke the law at Christmas and were not prosecuted are contributors to Conservative party funds ?
29 Kant 's Critique of Pure Reason ( 1781 ) was just one of the major works that heralded a new way of doing philosophy : the beginning of that critical rationality that Sir Karl Popper so admired and saw as a turning-point in the history of ideas .
30 This shows that one of the major factors that distinguishes the films of motorways and bends in roads from those of junctions is that they were rated as having less to see in them .
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