Example sentences of "of the [adj] [verb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In today 's business climate , survival of the fittest means survival of the fastest to predict and respond to the changing market .
2 Despite these dangers , there is a widespread belief that Japanese society differs from Western societies because of the greater willingness of the Japanese to conform and defer to group consensus .
3 This is due , in part , to the ability of the powerful to criminalise and stigmatise that which threatens their interests ; and to the fact that basic motivations of capitalist societies , such as materialism and self-enrichment , can be pursued both legally and illegally .
4 The Americans think they constructed the canal — and the lasting folk memory of that achievement in the United States provides much of the emotional underpinning that sustains the American anti-Noriega hysteria — but it was actually built by black workers from the Caribbean .
5 That haul included three of the 11 tries that hoisted Llanelli 's total to 26 in just three games as they won 79-10 .
6 Yet he recognised the depths that Burton was drawing on — ‘ the Welshness ’ — and he was one of the first to spot and to note the uncanny , superstitious , even mystical relationship he had with his talent .
7 The country that has demonstrated the greatest upward mobility through entrepreneurial channels is Argentina , which was one of the first to industrialise and has had probably the greatest influx of immigrants .
8 Over this unimaginably ( for humans ) long time , each of the two lineages that branched from that remote ancestor has preserved 305 out of the 306 characters ( on average : it could be that one lineage has preserved all 306 of them and the other has preserved 304 ) .
9 It was the arrival on the scene of the last named that precipitated a new relationship .
10 Versace dazzled with psychedelic prints , Dolce & Gabbana sent corsets disguised as frocks shrieking down the catwalk and even the conservative Genny showed micro-skirted green and orange checks instead of the restrained tailoring that made them , made Milan … made Italy the world 's leading fashion force .
11 Of the 6111 recorded as working in the Royal docks , 5093 ( 83.3 per cent ) lived in Canning Town or Plaistow .
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