Example sentences of "of the [noun] at [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 He then directs him to the message to the angel of the church at Laodicea in the third chapter of Revelation .
2 Wages did not rise in proportion , and by the Spring of 1795 there was the extensive distress and threat of mass starvation which led , in May , to the infamous meeting of the magistrates at Speenhamland in Berkshire , an event which would have such an impact on poor-law provision for the next few decades .
3 The officers also walked around the grounds of the home at Hailey in Oxfordshire , before making a search of a garage .
4 Yet if part of the problem at Ibrox in respect of injury has been caused by the addition of European Champions league matches to an already congested domestic schedule , it is only Vogts 's good fortune that no German side was able to make it to the last eight of the European Cup .
5 This being so , the famous final and belated discussion of the problem at Rockingham in February 1095 was largely a display of shadow-boxing .
6 Israel 's proxy ‘ South Lebanon Army ’ militia invested the magnificent crusader Castle of the Sea at Sidon in 1982 .
7 This is partly because of the importance of the interests at stake in immigration decisions : personal safety and liberty .
8 Williams and Shoultz ( 1982 ) set out their view of some of the processes at work in self advocacy , and the following account is built around their observations .
9 Treaty have no bearing on requirements of the type at issue in this case .
10 Treaty , together with articles 52 and 221 , which are specific expressions of that article , can not apply to nationality requirements of the type at issue in this instance .
11 Treaty does not preclude a nationality requirement of the type at issue in the main proceedings , because discrimination on grounds of nationality can arise only where , under the law of a member state , persons are treated differently on account of their nationality .
12 It follows from the foregoing that a condition of the type at issue in the main proceedings , which stipulates that where a vessel is owned or chartered by natural persons they must be of a particular nationality , and where it is owned or chartered by a company the shareholders and directors must be of that nationality , is contrary to article 52 of the E.E.C .
13 Question ( 4 ) is to be answered in the event that the court should consider that Community law does not preclude nationality , residence and domicile requirements of the type at issue in the main proceedings .
14 The state of Bihar was particularly affected by the communal violence which erupted in October during the processions of the bricks for the construction of the temple at Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh [ see also above ; pp. 36977 ; 37030 ] .
15 The ban is Prince Charles 's revenge for her refusal to spend Christmas with the rest of the royals at Sandringham in Norfolk .
16 During his time at York he was invited to be the visitor of the House of the Resurrection at Mirfield in Yorkshire , the community of priests founded at the end of the last century by Charles Gore .
17 But the same year , 465 , saw the biter bit : instead of forcing Athens to abandon an overseas operation to deal with a problem nearer home , that is , a Spartan army menacing the Attic border , Sparta was herself forced to welch on the Thasos offer , because she had to deal with a revolt of the helots at Ithome in Messenia .
18 Rest of the day at leisure in Nairobi .
19 Stop for lunch at the Sucrerie de la Montagne en route , before spending the rest of the day at leisure in this city of wide avenues and tree-lined squares .
20 Its design is based on that of the station at Gravelines in Northern France which exports most of its production to Southern England via the Channel interconnector .
21 This story is predated by a legend about a giant who kept pigs on Penhill before the founding of the abbey at Jervaulx in 1156 .
22 Events were to justify such a view of things , and God was duly thanked , by the royal order that masses should be said to commemorate the defeat of the English at Formigny in April 1450 , for the way he had turned his gaze towards the French cause which , for so long , had appeared to be lacking his support .
23 ‘ A vacancy having occurred in the medical department of the Infirmary at Bedford in consequence of the resignation of Dr. Yates ( sic ) I have been induced to turn my professional views towards that place .
24 It will help to clarify the confusion a little if some of the tendencies at work in these centuries are noted .
25 The coinage of the Amphictions at Delphi in the late fourth century BC was struck from a quantity of bullion whose approximate size is known from an inscription .
26 Sir : Contentious points are raised in your leading article , ‘ High time for monetary union ’ ( 11 October ) , not least the title , which itself implies an ideological support for ‘ European union ’ in favour of an analytical study of the forces at work in Europe .
27 The room was twice the size of the sitting-room at home in Masters Row at Blesford .
28 The delegate meeting of the STA at Dumfries in 1895 had called upon those branches affected by women 's employment to " exercise their influence in every way to secure the standard wages and fair conditions of employment for female compositors " .
29 In 1606 the lord and his tenants co-operated to reclaim part of the moor at Cossington in the Somerset Levels .
30 During the First World War , General Boroević 's graničari , serving on the Isonzo front , were responsible for the defeat of the Italians at Caporetto in 1917 .
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