Example sentences of "of [n mass] [be] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The French minister of industry , Dominique Strauss-Kahn , Thursday announced that the French government has paid SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV the first part of the $466m in research and development aid it agreed to pay over five years — the Italian government is supposed to pay the same amount over the same period : ‘ I have signed with SGS-Thomson a contract for a multi-year development effort in France ; the sums for 1993 , $83m from both sides , have been paid , ’ he said ; a spokeswoman for SGS-Thomson in Paris said she had not yet been able to confirm Strauss-Kahn 's assertion ; the separate recapitalisation , which Brussels recently approved , is still conditional on a firm decision being taken on the Italian side , and would be effected in three payments — $227m split evenly between the two partners and an identical payment three months later ; the third payment of $455m is set to be made in 1995 .
2 Er , once again I may have missed something in 's report and perhaps last year 's budget , a new member of staff is going to be .
3 The chief of staff was believed to be Colonel Lee Hwal , who had been educated in Japan ; he was thought to be responsible for the organisation of the North Korean air force .
4 Why does he not call in the authorities that he mentioned — there are others — to identify the problems that confront them and which lead to properties being left empty when clearly , a large number of people are waiting to be housed ?
5 The major network evening news programmes were being watched by an estimated 50 — 60 million people and 65 per cent of people were said to be getting 100 per cent of their news from such programmes .
6 I shaved in cold water and walked out of the gate and across the parade ground to where a queue of people were waiting to be served at the kitchen .
7 Hundreds of thousands of people were reported to be on the move throughout October and November in search of food .
8 A final dividend of 6.1p is recommended to be paid on 27th August 1993 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 2nd July 1993 .
9 A sum of £5m is set to be spent on top priority areas in Darlington 's health service such as cutting waiting lists and funding the Patients ' Charter .
10 It should have been a problem because the personal details of Flora are meant to be secret , under the terms of a high court injunction granted in the middle of last month , Sarah is not allowed to discuss anything about her daughter with anyone , other than her legal and medical advisors .
11 The United States government said in response to the coup that it would suspend some US$85,000,000 in military and economic aid ; France also announced the cut-off of $38,000,000 in aid , and European Community aid of $150,000,000 was expected to be suspended .
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