Example sentences of "of [Wh det] i [be] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Central Television came and made an interview/ documentary film for their weekly current affairs programme Central Lobby , during the course of which I was seen driving around the neighbourhood , first preceding and then followed by the camera crew .
2 I very much enjoyed this change of life , especially the 15 a week , of which I was allowed to keep half-a-crown .
3 In general I shall recognize what is , not what ought to be ; but certainly I ought to be aware of what I am trying to do , why I want it , how to do it , whether it can be done .
4 Nothing of what I am going to attempt to say should in any way be read as denying the value of psychoanalysis nor as implying that the Church has not been , and continues to be , deeply misogynistic in ways that are damaging both to women and to the Church itself .
5 I am aware that much of what I am saying makes me sound like some ageing Pollyanna who just wants to pretend that all is sweetness and light .
6 ‘ Christ , is n't it bad enough that I have to scrape for every bloody penny to do a piece of vital research , without being forced to turn my project into a circus for a lot of gawping idiots who wo n't have the least comprehension of what I 'm trying to do ?
7 They do n't have the slightest understanding of what I 'm trying to do . ’
8 Er and much of what I 'm going to say today in the next twenty minutes i it 's bound in here , so there 's no need to take notes .
9 Yet the central thrust of what I was trying to say still strikes me as having some validity .
10 Your comment that the central thesis of my lecture does not stand up stems from a misunderstanding of what I was trying to say .
11 Derek was always very supportive of what I was trying to do — helping me build the aviary in his back garden had made him interested in birds too — but I could n't expect him to drop everything and drive me from Tintagel to London .
12 Yet I can not relinquish the Situation without expressing my Obligation for your appointment though the Emolument fell short of what I was taught to expect .
13 ‘ He was , until he got a whiff of what I was planning to do .
14 I could n't dream of what I was going to do because you become so dependent on money .
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