Example sentences of "of [pos pn] [det] [noun] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 I am still very critical of my own shape but I console myself with the fact that while it is far from perfect , it is better than it used to be .
2 I have joined classes where I 've leapt about to Michael Jackson or thrown my pot and been surprised at the sound of my own voice when I 've paid the babysitter .
3 But the most remark able thing about him was his hair , unusually long for those days , and abundant — of the palest , curly blond , exactly the moonlight platinum colour of my own hair when I was a little boy .
4 What we see today are mere shadows of their former selves and I shall be discussing later a number of these — Hull Fair which is now purely a funfair , the revived Masham Sheep Fair , the dying horse fairs at Lee Gap and Boroughbridge , and Yarm which is still proclaimed and has its high street occupied at one end by the showmen and the other by the gipsies .
5 I do n't object to people smoking in the privacy of their own homes but I am a non-smoker .
6 I was sure the triptych mirror was one of her own treasures and I opened it carefully to see myself as I brushed my hair and applied a quick dab of lipstick , the red paint which marked me as a Westerner as surely as my blue eyes and blondish hair .
7 I went into dyslexia because when I did that course we had the opportunity to do a special study of a subject of our own choice and I spent a lot of time on dyslexia because I was already interested in it before I started .
8 and that er , you know , has lead to a lot of misery in some cases , er , also I mean there 's question of viability of our own scheme and I er , think er you know , er there are a number of questions which I as a lay-man would like to be , you know , I think the seminar is probably the right to do that .
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