Example sentences of "of [pos pn] [noun sg] be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I could go back to commerce , although er that side of my life is some way behind and it it 's always been very successfully done by er my colleagues in the company that I started .
2 Some of the highlights of my summer are occasional weekend camping trips with friends .
3 That pain in the back of my neck is four pairs of eyes watching every step I take to the church .
4 They consider themselves to have considerable expertise in operating trains , many of their crew being regular volunteers on the Railway and will dress in Victorian costume for these special events in an endeavour to recreate the period of the Vintage Train .
5 Top of their list are Japanese car exports .
6 As Joseph and Patrick squeezed in , nodding to the faces they recognized , Tom Rooney , the most senior of their group was finishing speaking .
7 The average duration of their disease was 12 years ( range 1 to 32 ) .
8 We 'll invest the island ; it will be a harder struggle , but with the men drilled and ready , we shall overcome that rabble — some of their force are mere chits of girls , who would do better to wear petticoats than breeches ! ’
9 Only where the foreigner brought in technology that could not otherwise be obtained or where the firm exported the great bulk of its output were these constraints relaxed .
10 The diameter of its mouth is feet and it weighs 17 tons — the largest bell in Britain .
11 Kosovo , a province of the Yugoslav Republic of Serbia , borders on Albania and most of its population are ethnic Albanians .
12 For although the great mass of its membership was working class , it also embraced an increasing section of the industrial bourgeoisie .
13 Well , the secret of her success is one Josh Salzmann , a personal trainer who numbers among his clients John Cleese , Michael Winner and even David Frost .
14 The essence of his difficulty was that time and change imply that the same thing can have contradictory properties — it can be , say , hot and cold , depending on the time — and this conflicted with the rule that nothing can possess incompatible attributes .
15 How far laymen would have disapproved of his behaviour is another matter , for concubinage of a type whereby a married man could also have a relationship with a woman who had a recognised position and whose children might share in the inheritance had been common among Germanic peoples , and may still have existed in England in Cnut 's day .
16 To Eadmer , and to William of Malmesbury who enlarged and exaggerated Eadmer 's words , the secret of his success was simple bribery , the common charge of disappointed litigants .
17 The basis of his love is imaginative desire : he never speaks of the person that lies beneath ‘ Her eyes , her hair , her cheek , her gait , her voice ’ .
18 A fair sample of his style is this retort to Brunner 's appeal to the tag gratia non tollit sed perficit naturam , ‘ grace does not destroy nature , but perfects it ’ .
19 VALERY Ponomarev may have been born and brought up in Moscow , but the idiom and vocabulary of his music is pure New York .
20 I did some shows with Ritchie Blackmore and Ritchie himself was really nice to me , but some of his team were real jerks , and we really did n't give them any reason to be that way .
21 He peers out at us from the photograph on the front cover of his catalogue raisonné : all we see is his deadpan baby-face , hovering horizontal about a foot above the studio floor , the rest of his body is concealed nay , shrouded by one of his crinkly gesso ‘ achrome ’ paintings which is propped against the studio wall .
22 It grew natural , and wholesome , out of the curiously emblemed architrave , and the fluids of his body were liquified pearl and amethyst .
23 It is pure coincidence that the date of his birthday was 1st April .
24 However , evidence of different structures in other programs designed to perform the same function would assist the plaintiff who argued that the structure of his program was protectable expression and not unprotectable idea .
25 Perhaps at the root of his reaction was plain obstinacy .
26 Among the few papers in his possession at the time of his death were some manuscript notes in which he was evidently attempting to develop his earlier skit , ‘ The Hopkin Syndicate ’ .
27 Old Munby Confectioneri and most of his family were left blinking in the light when a human moved the tatty old box they were cowering behind .
28 In the glove compartment of his car was another love letter , this time written by her husband .
29 But the apex of his career was that afternoon in 1966 when he hoisted aloft the World Cup for England .
30 They point out that when you hand over your housekeeping at the Sainsbury checkout , more than seven per cent of your money is pure profit for the store chain .
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