Example sentences of "of [det] [adj] [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Got the old watering can and then you get down on this plant , and then when they get a gist of that first time that they go whooo , you wake up in the morning , you 've got co , conifers like Jack and The Beanstalk coming
2 One argument was that agreements entered into by an organisation would be of little practical effect unless they were simultaneously binding upon the individual member States .
3 Audit is an ex post event and improvements in this important function may be of little long-term value if they are not coupled with more general reforms of the accountability of government .
4 Some welfare rights organisations damage the cause of some genuine claimants when they mount campaigns that result in offices being swamped with claims , as that inevitably delays the decision on those genuine claimants .
5 Current educational programmes aimed at all school children on the risks of drug abuse may fail to emphasise the major risks of alcohol and of some prescribed medicines and they may make the false assumptions that : a. drug addiction is simply a product of repeated use of drugs rather than a specific risk of some particular individuals .
6 The sudden , sharp increase in cross-Atlantic skiing traffic owes much to the claims of some American resorts that they can guarantee snow cover , even if as much as 75 per cent of it may be man-made .
7 It says of this charismatic community that they met constantly to pray , to break bread , to hear the apostles teach and to share their common life together .
8 Employees at Brown & Root must repay all their disturbance allowance and housing assistance grant if they leave the company within 12 months of moving and 50 per cent of this total assistance if they leave between 12 months and two years of the relocation .
9 And you know I went into that film it was just being launched in America , and there was a sort of prologue to the film and er I did n't know whether to , to become terribly angry or , or just about cry because the prologue was as if Britain was a sinking ship you know , this was the last we would see of this great thing and they made the most of it you know , like er i the g the film was the old private schools you know the old w well the public schools in England .
10 These are people who are so obsessed with the first decade of this new century that they 're inclined to forget for a moment the nineteen hundred or so years that went before it .
11 Better eat some of this bloody ham or they would think …
12 Capitalists exploit the workers by depriving them of this surplus value and they do this because of the nature of property in capitalist societies , where the means of production are controlled by the capitalist .
13 The haunting sound of the whistle echoing through mountains at night , the thundering plunge across the plains , the astonishing restraint of such powerful giants as they inch in and out of stations have made them the inspiration of poets , writers , composers and film makers .
14 As I 'm sure you know , the majority of girls seeking such posts can neither read nor write and are of such low intelligence that they have no control over the children ; in fact , the children soon take advantage of them .
15 The maid had retired , tossing her head at the thought of such low people as them gyppos having the sauce to interrupt the master at his supper .
16 The silk industry in which two million thalers were sunk ( heavy investment for a poor country ) produced goods of such poor quality that they were very difficult to sell .
17 As Lewis tells us in the preface to the published version of this book , his initial reaction was to wish for anonymity , ‘ since if I were to say what I really thought about pain , I should be forced to make statements of such apparent fortitude that they would become ridiculous if anyone knew who made them , .
18 The exploitation of a range of alternative contractual and working time arrangements permits firms to secure precisely the number and types of such secondary workers that they might require at any time .
19 The Orphists were not adequately represented at this Salon , since Delaunay himself refused to show there , but at the Indépendants of 1914 the Orphist canvases were so numerous and of such large dimensions that they had to be placed in the largest and most important hall on the ground floor .
20 Enjoy the wealth and infinite variety of these mechanical wonders as they guide you through our world of music .
21 Unfortunately , the general public is not yet as aware of these technical achievements as they are about the waste they dispose of in their dustbins each week .
22 There are so many of these tiny organisms that they form a vast golden carpet along the shoreline .
23 Er at this point Douglas said er he thought it 'd be a jolly good idea if they dropped a few of these new bombs that they 'd discovered at Hiroshima and Nagasaki er on these slit eyed people and that would really show them who was in control of the world er now this , as you might expect , caused something of a problem to President Truman .
24 The rest of this chapter will constitute an attempt to explain by means of this hypothesis the various uses of these two forms where they both occur with the same or similar full verbs .
25 Speed must be thinking to himself right now … all the other players around him would have had one of these one-off payments when they joined Leeds .
26 Marketers in supplier companies will have to find out the nature of these organisational arrangements before they can have any hope of making a sale .
27 I believe it to be true of all such moves that they are dubiously orthodox .
28 On the contrary , middle class feminists asked for the repeal of all protective legislation because they believed it to represent one of the barriers to female employment .
29 Those wanting to take part will be sent a list of all available lectures and they will be able to choose to attend four per day .
30 it follows from this that ‘ it is characteristic of all unproductive labourers that they are at my command … only to the same extent as I exploit productive labourers … however , my power to employ productive labourers by no means grows in the same proportion as I employ unproductive labourers , but on the contrary diminishes in the same proportion . ’
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