Example sentences of "of [det] [adj] [noun] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 To Wilson , it had seemed all of a piece , all part of her own unhappiness , of that weary feeling that nothing mattered , nothing , no amount of effort could alter what was to happen .
2 Got the old watering can and then you get down on this plant , and then when they get a gist of that first time that they go whooo , you wake up in the morning , you 've got co , conifers like Jack and The Beanstalk coming
3 But the people who say that have many children , so how can they know of that other pain that I have ?
4 But the other quarter — the professional bit — is so relieved to see the end of that ghastly place that it ca n't help rejoicing in a perverse sort of way . ’
5 Er and I took the time at my own risk , took the time at my own risk er primarily because of that very fact that you were there to support the interests of your members and no one else , no one else .
6 Beth Stubbs was a Quaker , a member of that old Mafia that I had been so wary of .
7 I did n't see any of that crazy side that he always told me was there .
8 It was because of that meagre income that she became incensed at her tutor , Maurice Greiffenhagen , who had a habit of sitting down at his students ' drawings and paintings and finishing them off .
9 You look almost scandalised , cara , but there is n't an inch of that delectable body that I have n't touched and tasted , as well as seen . ’
10 Finally retrieval is a separate process because of another familiar phenomenon that it is possible to know something , that is it must be in storage , but not actually succeed in retrieving it at a particular time .
11 So they progressed back again , Sir George clutching the letters , Maud the opened cocoon of linen and silk , and Roland the three dolls , out of some vague fancy that it was cruel to leave them in the dark .
12 Think of some everyday things that you probably do n't even think of .
13 The sudden , sharp increase in cross-Atlantic skiing traffic owes much to the claims of some American resorts that they can guarantee snow cover , even if as much as 75 per cent of it may be man-made .
14 It was Cizek 's reputation that drew him to Vienna ; it was the spirit of this outstanding man that he brought to his life 's work in Yorkshire .
15 Coleridge recognises the power and excitement of this world , but it is in the second stanza , when he delves into the folds of this metaphorical brain that we see him striving to express the very essence of creativity .
16 It was at this point that I came face to face with the realisation that human beings could be studied like other animals , and I went on , past chimpanzees , to investigate the behaviour of this strange creature that I christened The Naked Ape .
17 It says of this charismatic community that they met constantly to pray , to break bread , to hear the apostles teach and to share their common life together .
18 The County Council also accepted as part of this oral approach that there was a need for an alteration to the structure plan , because the approved structure plan did not make provision for a new settlement as an element of approved North Yorkshire strategic policy , and we 've progressed that erm alteration through to the examination er in public er today .
19 These are people who are so obsessed with the first decade of this new century that they 're inclined to forget for a moment the nineteen hundred or so years that went before it .
20 Whenever a favourable opportunity offered , Captain McKellar obligingly allowed me the use of a boat , and by this means enabled me to collect nearly all the species of this interesting family that we fell in with … ’
21 And of a truth vile Epicurism and Sensuality will make the soul of man so degenerate and blinde , that he will not only be content to slide into brutish immorality , but please himself of this very opinion that he is a real Brute already , an Ape , Satyre , Baboon ; and that the best of men are no better , saving that civilising of them and industrious education has made them appear in a more refined shape , and long inculcate precepts have been mistaken for connate Principles of Honesty and Natural Knowledge , otherwise there be no indespensible grounds of Religion and Virtue , but what has hapned to be taken up by overruling Custome .
22 It is a consequence of the manufacture of this optical RAM that there is an optical dead zone between the top and bottom halves of the picture .
23 He manufactured a concoction of such awesome vileness that it defies , even now , reasonable description .
24 Now , new offices were being built for it on the other side of the road , but they were not quite ready , and meantime , the new publisher from the East and his editors functioned in an atmosphere of such utter confusion that it is doubtful if an efficiency expert could even have fought his way in through the door .
25 To begin with , I 'd spent part of the night dreaming about Father — one of those long , tangled dreams with occasional moments of such lucid clarity that you can remember them in detail for years afterwards .
26 At this she turned on Karelius a look of such desperate gratitude that his selfish irritation was quite vanquished .
27 Amber Scott , playing Banning 's daughter , entertains the sighing pirates with a ballad of such sick-making sentiment that it makes Shirley Temple look like Billie Holiday .
28 Amber Scott , playing Banning 's daughter , entertains the sighing pirates with a ballad of such sick-making sentiment that it makes Shirley Temple look like Billie Holiday .
29 Those which went to Moscow from the west were fed by the Russian government ; and the ceremonial presentation each day of food to the foreigners was considered of such symbolic importance that it was kept up even during the terrible famine of 1601 – 03 , the worst in all Russian history .
30 Bob Busby had also concluded his business at the urinal , but is adjusting his dress with a great deal of fumbling and knee-flexing , as if his member is of such majestic size that it can be coaxed back into his Y-fronts only with the greatest difficulty .
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