Example sentences of "of [pos pn] [noun] made [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The insanity of my reality made me feel stupid and powerless .
2 Facially the two men were very different , Kustow 's face blunt , Lever 's hawkish , but the similarity of dress and the starkness of their haircuts made them seem like brothers , or members of some strange cult .
3 Glimpses of her stories made her smile .
4 The intensity of her hate made him quail .
5 She did , and the sudden flare of her eyes made him let her go .
6 For one thing , the material was patterned , and Clara was going through a stage at which the uncertainty of her taste made her prefer the strictly plain to the figured .
7 She worked crouching down , and the infinitesimal pace of her labours made her feel like an ant , toiling away earnestly at a microscopic task .
8 The heat of his love made her feel like a plant under a burning sun .
9 The metallic voice that rattled out of his radio made him jump .
10 His swing was taut and abbreviated as , despite what his golfing mind was telling him ( swing slow , swing smoothly through the ball ) , the darker side of his mind made him try to steer the ball .
11 Something about the angle of his shoulders made her want to reach out to him .
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