Example sentences of "of [v-ing] that [pers pn] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And the fact of having , and also of course of realising that he is having , the same experience as he , and the same sensation , as he 'd experienced many years before , this sensation releases a whole set of associated feelings .
2 His advisers hit on the idea of announcing that he was going on a cruise up the Hudson river where , away from prying eyes , he was propped up in a chair against the mast and anaesthetised .
3 Finally Rose of Lima also had the great consolation of believing that she was doing a socially useful job — and there were not many of these available for women in the early seventeenth century .
4 A common theme in the reaction against it has been a demand for the ‘ return to justice ’ : retributive justice is seen as having the virtue of acknowledging that it is punishing ‘ responsible ’ people , which in turn requires the safeguards of individual rights and public accountability of the ‘ due process of law ’ , and the limitations on intervention in people 's lives provided by the principle of retributive proportionality .
5 When his book Early Conversation Pictures appeared , Evelyn took what Henry James would have called ‘ the rash and insensate step ’ of saying that he was enjoying it .
6 It was n't emotionalism ; it was the joy of knowing that they were forgiven people , made new through the gift of salvation and the gift of the Spirit .
7 I had gone to Bletchley in excitement and trepidation , had been very content there , in congenial company , and with the satisfaction of knowing that I was employed on work essential to the war effort .
9 Look how easy it is — these 12 exercises will keep you feeling young and lithe , full of vitality and the satisfaction of knowing that you are taking care of your body .
10 She had no way of knowing that he was thinking not so much of the next photo story she would submit to him as the necessary therapy it might provide .
11 These were small details now , swallowed up in the joy of knowing that she was loved by the man she had loved silently for so long .
12 She had had no experience of domestic affairs , but she managed well enough , and had the satisfaction of knowing that she was doing something for Susan , after all .
13 Her alarm , it was patently obvious to her now , stemmed from a basic instinct of knowing that she was going to end up hurting inside .
14 How can the Government conceivably justify the untruth of claiming that they are maintaining an aid programme when , according to their own figures , they have halved that provided by Labour ?
15 That 's the whole point of repackaging that I was trying to get across this morning .
16 So , instead of thinking that you 're cursed with a problem , consider yourself lucky to be able to grow the staggeringly large and varied range of Mediterranean , South African , Australian or even British plants which love an arid home .
17 Sometimes , too , it is possible to make the mistake of thinking that she is expecting us to come up with all the answers when , often , all she wants is the opportunity to state the problem to someone who understands and will not criticise her .
18 This is regarded by the present government , along with its proposals for a national curriculum , as a means of enhancing the quality of education , and making schools more accountable to parents in a system of schooling that it is intended will be more consumer oriented .
19 He is saying that he is not in favour of NATO 's present policy of maintaining adequate sub-strategic forces based in Europe and of ensuring that they are maintained and kept up to date .
20 It would be heartless to deny her the pleasure of feeling that she is making a useful contribution to the preparation of meals , but it would be equally unkind not to make it clear to her from the beginning just who will be in charge and wearing the chef 's hat !
21 If a line is too basic and lacks interest , you run the risk of becoming boring ; if your playing is too busy , on the other hand , you 're in danger of forgetting that you 're accompanying rather than soloing .
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