Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [prep] [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 Case recording is one method of keeping in touch with the interview room , but case records are factual reports of problems and action taken , and can not and should not serve to describe attitudes and the atmosphere in the interview room .
2 Once the school-leaver was placed , the after-care supervision was entirely in the hands of the SCCs , and other associated bodies , who made periodic reports to the local JAC , and as with the earlier form of care committee , a ‘ visitor ’ was named who had the duty of keeping in touch with the young workers until they were 17 or 18 .
3 ‘ What is the point of keeping in touch with the contemporary scene ? ’
4 Then there is the problem of keeping in touch with the sample .
5 Once again we have this problem of keeping in touch with the wing wards , Astley and er East it 's not all that easy to do but er there are people there who are showing an interest and I hope that we can .
6 A real desire to participate in some form of practical training was expressed by most of the people spoken to but the problems of fitting in courses with the off-farm employment were considerable .
7 The washers must be correctly aligned , filled with fluid and be otherwise correctly maintained , so as to be capable of cleaning in conjunction with the wipers .
8 In Parliament Jenkins , whose personal initiative it was , had taken the precaution of conferring in advance with the Conservative front bench spokesman on Home Affairs in advance .
9 And she told me about her relations , of one young cousin in particular , who had never thrived but sat by the fire instead of going to school with the other children , not growing an inch .
10 The psychophysiologist can not as yet match the experiences of going to sleep with the measures of brain function that are currently available .
11 Paul Williams 's thesis in ‘ Bob Dylan : Performing Artist ’ ** is that the best — indeed the only — way of getting to grips with the importance of Dylan 's work is by treating it as performance art , since that is the way the man himself seems to treat it .
12 I include netting as a sport since in my view , it is undoubtedly that but it is also a very professional method of getting to grips with the stock .
13 Half of you felt the journal should remain free with membership , as it is an important way of staying in touch with the Institution 's work ; while other members said they would willingly pay extra , over their subscription to receive it .
14 The SD agency in Würzburg even reported criticism of the fanaticism shown by Hitler and Göring which dispelled any hope of coming to terms with the enemy and meant the continuation on all sides of the ‘ war of annihilation ’ .
15 Decentralisation is also his way of coming to terms with the European Community : he is a Eurosceptic who will not hasten economic and monetary union .
16 In this chapter we have pointed to the importance of coming to terms with the British constitution and constitutional theory since they are both in and about British politics .
17 Twenty-year-old Peake not only scored the goal which put Pool on their way to a desperately needed win , he was also one of only a handful of players on either side who looked capable of coming to terms with the gale-force wind and bumpy pitch .
18 To end on this note of safety , warn everyone on the set to beware of coming into contact with the hot surfaces of lamps , especially metal barn doors .
19 But we would nevertheless hope that by the end of their school careers as many pupils as possible will have been able to ‘ grow ’ through literature — both emotionally and aesthetically , both morally and socially — by virtue of coming into contact with the ‘ range of possible thought and feeling ’ identified above [ in the quotation from the Kingman Report printed on p. 72 ] .
20 Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with the algae , and it is known to have caused serious illness , such as liver damage , in human beings , as well as producing skin reactions and allergies .
21 It is on this point , that the ordinary member of the public and , it is suspected , the average police officer finds it difficult to equate his own perception of the offence of taking without consent with the strictures placed upon the courts by legislation . ’
22 This liaison role included the very specific task of entering into contact with the catholic community within the framework of the PCF 's " outstretched hand " policy .
23 The development of housing for sale with the use of private funding can not be carried out by a registered housing association — Northern Counties Provident Housing Association — had to be set up .
24 Second is that by ordering ahead of conventionally-defined need , the CEGB is comparing the economics of investing in Sizewell with the economics of doing nothing , that is maintaining old plant .
25 Surprisingly , perhaps , he had only risen to the rank of major but , nevertheless , this status had afforded him a certain standard of living , being waited on by subordinates , an agreeable social life and plenty of opportunity , whenever the fancy took him , of indulging in affairs with the opposite sex .
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