Example sentences of "of [pers pn] [pron] [vb base] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In order to grope towards an understanding of them we have to grasp the abstruse notion of the particle sea .
2 England 's football managers , that is , all seven of them who have held the post since the war plus highlights of very England match since the war too .
3 Okay right so there 's a s there 's a system to what 's going on with the acids and it 's not just one acid like hydrochloric most of the acids will do it some of them do it very readily some of them you have to get the conditions right often you have to get the temperature high to make it to make the reaction go but a metal plus an acid erm there 's a typical one zinc H two S O four gives zinc sulphate and the hydrogen .
4 yes , those of you who 've seen the customer care film they
5 So let me begin this discussion then of of channels by er pointing out the methods that have been used for studying channels , and for some of you who 've done the er neurophysiology course this will er be revision but nevertheless it will be pertinent to today 's discussion .
6 Those of you who have digested the argument of my last chapter will see why this is quite the reverse of what is really the case .
7 And imm and immediately they got hold of it they 've whopped the prices up too .
8 ‘ I am very sad , ’ he wrote to me , ‘ about the disgraceful way you have been treated by the Seniors , and because of it I have informed the captain I am resigning . ’
9 Does my right hon. Friend accept that those of us who have observed the screening process in the camps in Hong Kong have been greatly impressed by its thoroughness and fairness ?
10 Those of us who have criticised the Government 's and western nations ' lack of urgency in providing appropriate assistance to the Soviet Union will also welcome the new steps and the energy that is being shown in this area If , as the Prime Minister rightly says , the protection of non-proliferation is the absolute key to world peace , why are the Government seeking to increase the number of nuclear warheads that are carried on Trident , when they have the option of keeping the number the same , at a time when the rest of the world is decreasing them ?
11 Competition is what keeps industry moving , and indeed those of us who have had the experience know that almost the most difficult industrial task is to run a near monopoly .
12 Do these changes mean ( since all of us who have had the privilege of working with Indians know the tremendous intellectual power of that nation ) that India will begin to play the role in the world which many of us have expected and foreseen ?
13 Does my right hon. Friend accept that those of us who have watched the terrible destruction in Croatia are disturbed by the amount of killing time between now and 15 January ?
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