Example sentences of "of [noun pl] can be [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 Steve Hagger , a director , says the mounting list of creditors can be blamed on the fact Brandmakers was victim of a fraud being perpetrated on companies in search of cash to help them ride the recession .
2 Crystal Clear recommend their very large Turbulator aerators for this use ( up to 18″ long ) and they come ‘ double ended ’ so that a series of units can be combined on one airline in different filter sections .
3 The piping or icing bags need to be washed and dried with every change of colour icing , although of course if you have a number of bags available this is unnecessary , and a variety of colours can be kept on hand at any one time .
4 The Benin heads are represented with crowns or have the hair modelled and no traces of sprues can be seen on their tops .
5 Well , erm , what kinds of changes can be performed on me and still it would be the case that it 's me ?
6 A number of observations can be made on the three-dimensional spatial-stratigraphic development of sourcing coals by the examination of seismic relationships and documented stratigraphy .
7 A stronger criticism of the use of objectives can be made on ethical grounds .
8 The National Association of Teleworkers can be contacted on 0761 413869 .
9 These types of villages can be located on the two axes of temporal and social change ( figure 4.4 ) .
10 With a given size of collection , say 20,000 documents , the appropriate number of headings can be identified on the basis of seeking to create scannable categories .
11 With modern technology many thousands of bistables can be formed on one silicon chip .
12 When water is running it enhances the village aspect and in spring flotillas of ducklings can be seen on it .
13 The Law of Moments can be demonstrated on a balance .
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