Example sentences of "of [noun pl] be [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The wider issue of the extent to which the judiciary may naturally favour certain types of values is outside the scope of this book .
2 The book of Acts is about the spread of Christianity after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus , through the giving of the Holy Spirit , empowering Jesus 's followers in making his good news known .
3 Unfortunately this play was overshadowed by the opening production and Crawford was the only leading actor not to merit a mention from Eric Shorter in the Daily Telegraph , who believed that the key to performing this wittiest of farces was in the technique .
4 A group of Canadians were on a weekend bear hunting trip and they had a newcomer in their group .
5 A whole new tragic category of bankrupts are in the making .
6 His knowledge of airships was at a premium , and his reputation had been enhanced by his patented invention of a carburettor that could burn hydrogen which was otherwise wasted on airship operations .
7 The value of precedents is as a source of ideas .
8 If loss of amenities is for the rest of the plaintiff 's life the court will need to take into account in assessing damages his age and his expectation of life .
9 It talks of anecdotal evidence in 1991 that the carrying of knives is on the increase among young people and it quotes Detective Chief Superintendent Roger Stoodley , who works in east London , as saying : ’ I have never known so many people to be carrying these weapons . ’
10 A group of kids are on a roundabout , one foot on and one foot off , they are pushing it at a giddy speed , round and around until their faces form a single banded blur .
11 Police believe organized groups of teenagers are behind a spate of thefts from shoppers at Long Eaton .
12 The most marked change however which is obviously connected with the smaller number of candidates is in the number of lost deposits which were only 35 against 64 .
13 The fact that the efficiency of rivets was in no way improved by capping them with precious metal provides another indication of the limitations of material factors in accounting for technical innovation .
14 The resulting list of functions is of the kind used as the basis of functional language courses — the ones which use the term in any meaningful way rather than because it was fashionable — and this is the connection between functional courses and functional approaches to linguistics .
15 A second set of concerns is with the structuring of the organisation and the way in which it groups its activities .
16 Official attempts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to reform and strengthen the police duties of headmen were carried out at a time when the overall influence of headmen was on the wane .
17 From Mars it must have looked as if opposing armies of ants were on the move .
18 In a society such as the United Kingdom where over 50 per cent of workers are in the service sector compared with only 30 per cent in manufacturing , new technology in the office may have more consequences than robots in the factory for job loss .
19 But the commitment of governments was to the gold standard and free trade and , in 1922 , Baldwin reflected that , ‘ a free trade country , such as we are still , finds it very difficult to argue with a country that has a tariff weapon in its hand . ’
20 At a time of ‘ awful crisis , when constitutions of kingdoms are on the point of dissolution the stain of the blood of Africa is no longer upon us ’ thus removing ‘ a mill-stone about our necks , ready to sink us to perdition ’ .
21 When 5 Corps had first been informed by Gen Schmidt-Richberg of the approach of 600,000 Germans and Croats to the southern edge of the Corps area on the evening of 13 May , it had been assumed that this huge mass of fugitives was on the verge of entering Austria and that it would be difficult to prevent all of them from doing so .
22 Whether Congress and the President behave in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is beside the point .
23 In another written test on tabular data one set of questions was about a calendar which was provided .
24 As soon as one set of questions were on the way to being answered , others seemed to take their place .
25 The Chou Li says that the interpretation of dreams was in the department of the Grand Augur ( Ta Pu ) , and mentions a special expert of lower grade ( Chan Meng ) who specialised in it .
26 Even the , what few bits of lorries were on the road , they had a special mask on with er a shield over the top , so that the light was n't visible up above .
27 Since these states of affairs are of the essence of human perceptual consciousness and , therefore , of the human mind , it must follow that there are non-physical states of affairs essential to the human mind .
28 Each has been the victim of the recession , the debenture memberships of several thousands of pounds being beyond the pocket of most golfers .
29 But need a group of businesses be under the control of a central corporate team at all ?
30 ‘ The authorities in Northern Ireland were quite satisfied that a substantial amount of explosives was in the area , and it might only be a matter of time until this sort of activity was renewed . ’
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