Example sentences of "of [noun pl] and [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( It is useful to understand here that in the ancient middle east pearls were among the most precious of gems and were highly esteemed as personal ornaments .
2 Crystallization is a process involving the orderly arrangement of chains and is consequently associated with a large negative entropy of activation .
3 His men , searching both sides of the street , had covered that block of houses and were now coming up the street towards the fountain-house .
4 The easiest way to find the wide range of cover you need at a competitive price is with a policy which packages together a number of covers and is specially designed for a certain group such as self-employed tradesmen .
5 In addition , the president is constitutionally responsible for the making of treaties and the appointment of ambassadors and is effectively put in charge of foreign policy .
6 Bruises of the periosteum of bones ( it lies on the surface of bones and is easily injured where the bones lie just beneath the skin , for example , elbow , shin or kneecap ) .
7 In the 1970s and 1980s , left-wing guerrilla groups moved into the cities , trained teenagers in the use of weapons and were then pushed back in to the countryside by the army .
8 My father Arthur was secretary of the Southern Division for a number of years and is still enjoying life to the full .
9 According to the influential El Pais newspaper , Real 's president Ramon Mendoza has rebuked Toshack on a number of counts and is already seeking a replacement for the Welshman hired only last summer on a £1 million contract .
10 Although the method has drawbacks , particularly that it is difficult to eliminate duplications from the results , it has the merits of being simple , and giving reasonably consistent results with a number of observers and being readily repeated .
11 Paul Reed the National Organiser says the sport started on the rivers of wales and is now spreading throughout the country …
12 She had worked for him and her mother in a variety of businesses and was always assured that she would inherit his estate when he died .
13 He said : ‘ I am very pleased that this operation , which has involved a whole range of bodies and been well co-ordinated by Scottish Natural Heritage , has been so successful . ’
14 Some instant coffees are associated with problems similar to wheat-sensitivity in a number of patients and are better avoided along with wheat .
15 Nixon betrayed his trust in a number of ways and was justifiably forced to resign ; however , the collapse of his presidency turned on relatively trivial matters .
16 The policy was a product of Chatichai 's influential group of advisers and was reportedly opposed by the Foreign Ministry itself ; in August veteran Foreign Minister Siddhi Savetsila was replaced , largely because of his opposition to Chatichai 's Indo-China policy .
17 When he became known as the composer of marches and was about to take up his first bandmaster post , his wife suggested he use the letters on his case , S.O.U.S.A. as a professional name , and he took the names of his sons as his Christian names .
18 By ‘ social action ’ Weber refers to action ‘ which takes account of the behaviour of others and is thereby oriented in its course ’ .
19 Refugee recipients had very little say in the administration of services and were insufficiently encouraged to do so .
20 Collagenases are products of fibroblasts and are up regulated in tumour stromal cells .
21 Our policy , both for nuclear and conventional defence , is clear , has been set out in a number of documents and is properly costed .
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