Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [vb past] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They must be seen as inventing new rules for the future in accordance with their convictions about what is best for society as a whole , freed from any supposed rights flowing from consistency , but presenting these for unknown reasons in the false uniform of rules dug out of the past .
2 The torrent of words tumbled out of the phone pell-mell , a flood that the chief inspector was unable to stem .
3 The chanting had taken on the form of animal howls and disgusting collections of words screamed out by the blood-frenzied mob .
4 It was healthy too ; the two great arms of piers reached out into the sea and were a regular walking spot for anyone in need of a breath of air or some exercise .
5 Yet the total number of farmsteads built out in the fields between the villages is very small .
6 Steve Cozzi defines a planetary grid system as ‘ any series of lines laid out across the surface of the Earth in an attempt to measure some particular pre-designated system of ideas , correlations or theories ’ .
7 Juliette lowered the iron on to a pair of trousers laid out on the ironing-board , producing a hissing cloud of steam through which she stared solemnly at Melissa .
8 Thousands of demonstrators turned out in the streets of Bratislava last night in what was said to be the biggest demonstration there in decades .
9 Thousands of demonstrators turned out in the streets of Bratislava last night in what was said to be the biggest demonstration there in decades .
10 Below her , in the orchard , apple and pear and plum frothed pink and white with blossom , and over in Tingle 's Wood a sea of bluebells rose out of the morning mist .
11 An employee of the Ministry of Finances pointed out at the beginning of 1856 that Russia 's lowest social groups were far more heavily taxed than their counterparts in other countries .
12 The European Commission has accepted the first set of standards worked out for the EC 's ecolabelling scheme , which aims to inform consumers about the environmental impact of particular products .
13 Melford and a group of archers fanned out before the cavalcade ; they cleared the way of the usual merchants , traders , pedlars , students and hosts of vagabonds and beggars who cluster on every road like flies round a horse 's arse .
14 A sudden flurry of shots rang out from the direction of the cainca , confirming the older man 's prediction , and without further argument the two boys turned and followed him into the jungle at a run .
15 HUNDREDS of runners turned out for the annual Race The Train cross country event on the Talyllyn Railway on August 15 .
16 ( Currently students gaining a baccalauréat were guaranteed a university place ; however , 50 per cent of students dropped out in the first two years . )
17 Volleys of stones blew out of the earth .
18 If the police are to continue to exercise control over an increasingly pluralist society , which is better educated and less willing simply to accept any version of events handed out by the powerful , then it seems essential they should avoid scrutiny yet suggest they are totally accountable to the democratic ideal .
19 A handful of snipers held out to the last , and received no quarter .
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