Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [modal v] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Counsel for the debtor was conscious of the problem and uneasy that the absence of reasons might be prejudicial to her client 's case .
2 Contact also with organisations for the assistance of widows can be useful to some women , and one of these , CRUSE , which has already been mentioned , runs groups and an excellent counselling service .
3 Now , a number of notes will be common to two adjacent chords .
4 While the mobilisation of large numbers of pickets may be advantageous to the union 's cause , it also invites problems of disorganisation and indiscipline .
5 While any set of projections will be subject to some error for these sorts of reasons , the official household projections produced by the Department of Environment have provided a generally satisfactory framework for consideration of likely future trends in household composition .
6 Nor is it possible to say what percentage of cases might be attributable to food , because nobody has even attempted to find out .
7 Infection of the fallopian tubes must remain the most important cause of infertility today , although only a minority of cases will be due to gonorrhoea .
8 A list of winners will be available to those sending a S.A.E. to the competition address within 8 weeks of the closing date .
9 A list of winners will be available to those sending an S.A.E. to : Promoters ; Stoves Ltd , .
10 Changes in the log of variables can be used to measure the percentage change of that variable .
11 The uncontrolled increase in the number of authors might be remediable to some extent by journals devising a collective policy .
12 Sir David Smith , the principal of Edinburgh University , has suggested that the MPs who shout most loudly for league tables of schools should be subject to the same treatment .
13 Local inspectors of schools will be answerable to the Inspectorate , which will also have a new role as Education Ombudsman .
14 The world is becoming increasingly interdependent and an improvement in the standard of living of Southerners will be advantageous to the North .
15 Each party 's entitlement of seats should be proportionate to its share of the total constituency votes received by candidates of all parties , and it would be met by the award ( if necessary ) of a number of additional seats so calculated as to " redress the distorted results in the constituencies " .
16 For others the wearing of nightclothes may be contrary to their normal practice .
17 Importers of goods may be liable to one or more of four taxes :
18 The indirect evidence of critical approval by a succession of owners may be interesting to a reader , though admittedly this demands some special knowledge about the standing of the collectors concerned .
19 The combination of the two policies , which are likely to be extended to the rest of Britain , means that land which can support far greater numbers and variety of trees will be available to foresters .
20 The second is how to move the economy towards a position in which the balance of payments will be closer to equilibrium .
21 Indeed , the norms and manners of Londoners may be closer to those of people in Boston , Mass. than in Belfast ; and if customs and ideas in Birmingham are rather different from those in , say , Barcelona , they are more like those in Barcelona today than in Birmingham when its oldest inhabitant was born .
22 Given the present hopeful international situation , we believe that further reductions in levels of armaments will be able to be made without in any way endangering security .
23 The main European economies are of particular interest since the size of economies may be important to the issue of retaliation .
24 Information disclosed by one party to another in the course of negotiations will be subject to the obligation of confidence where information relates to the subject matter of the negotiations and has the necessary quality of confidence .
25 This combination of symptoms may be unresponsive to conventional medical treatment .
26 Any further efforts on the part of residents will be beneficial to us all from the aesthetic point of view if from no other .
27 The report states that current information suggests that in the UK and many other countries the daily intake of dioxins could be close to the recommended levels .
28 Because it is necessary for indexed sequential software to build indexes , insert records , etc. , the keys of records must be available to the software .
29 Some efforts to dispose of drugs can be harmful to the environment .
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