Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the majority of cases however , the valuation engagement will be value added , where the firm uses information , which may already have been the subject of validation , enquiry and analytical procedures or information gathering work , to derive a conclusion in the form of an estimated value or range of values for a particular purpose .
2 In 1940 he wrote of an almost sanctified rural life as something vitally different from the separately developing urban culture which so disturbed him and pleaded that agriculture should be regarded as a vocation , rather than merely an industry , though he pointed out that such a view involved the whole orientation and scheme of values of a future society .
3 The answer is that we can , without using intuition , speculation or hearsay concerning Z , prove that Z , C and M are logical consequences of the axioms A1 through to I. Now whilst algebraists do not regard it as their prime duty to reduce all such sets of axioms to a minimum size , it is part of an algebraist 's function to investigate consequences of axioms such as those just referred to .
4 There can be a number of reasons for a slow response .
5 In theory , but not usually in practice , the total mass of products of a chemical process should equal the total mass of reactants used in the process .
6 There 's a wide range of products at a wide range of prices , and deciding which to go for can be a difficult decision … and an expensive one to get wrong .
7 For the moment it suffices to say that the BCG-matrix approach was a critical step in emphasizing ( 1 ) the need for a balanced portfolio of products within a corporate group in order to sustain longer-run success , and ( 2 ) the dynamic nature of managing large corporations .
8 Sergeant Collier — the prisoners may refresh themselves. , The party was drawing up with a jingle and a grinding of hooves on a cobbled forecourt .
9 These drugs have been shown to be effective against all stages of lungworms with a consequent amelioration of clinical signs .
10 In a collection of essays on a National Curriculum in the United States , published in the American journal Salmagundi in 1986 , Robert Scholes insists that the establishment of a canon , a list of great masterpieces , works of genius , removes the chosen texts from history and from human actualities , placing them forever behind a veil of pieties ; it fosters a reverential rather than a critical approach .
11 One report is a series of essays in a common framework by national experts ; and the second is a more detailed examination of public attitudes to technical change in Britain with comparative material on France , Germany and Japan .
12 Similarly , we can look at the iconography of coins over a shorter period .
13 These standards can be established by weighing a sufficient number of coins on a modern balance ( although there are problems in establishing ancient standards from the weight of surviving specimens ) .
14 A number of other graves containing coins have been added to the list since Åberg was writing in 1926 ( Rigold 1975 , pp. 69–70 ; Avent 1975 , p. 6 ; Rigold and Metcalf 1977 ) as well as the one case of coins from a single building at Mucking ( Rigold 1977 ) .
15 But the domain has shifted from the world of molecules to a larger scale .
16 Such averages are found from techniques which effectively count the number of molecules in a given mass or volume , such as end group analysis or studies of osmotic pressure .
17 The ratio of the number of molecules in an excited state to those in the ground state , assuming dynamic thermal equilibrium at room temperature , is , where E ν is the excess energy in cm -1 .
18 To counter this , we distributed thousands of copies of a special leaflet explaining how the inquiry worked and how you should prepare if you wanted to speak .
19 It was an uneasy switch from the difficulties of homeowners to a light-hearted story about hard-up baboons staging hold-ups of passing cars .
20 The picture thus sketched is in strong contrast to the popular view of housewives as a leisured class .
21 Some estates may have received new owners with little change , or they could have been divided and redistributed ; others may have been enlarged with the addition of adjacent lands or groups of estates under a single owner .
22 In academic libraries a large number of requests for a new book may suggest that it is a recommended text , and is likely to influence the number of copies purchased ( probably for the short loans collection ) .
23 Education authorities are required to produce guidelines which describe how children are to be allocated to schools and which outline procedures for deciding between competing claims when the number of requests for a particular school exceeds the number of places available , and to publish information about particular schools .
24 1.6Treatment of contracts with a foreign element .
25 This failure to explain the enforceability of contracts as a logical derivation from liberal principles foreshadows the emergence of the two interpretations which dominate current discussions of the substance of the modern law of contract .
26 The result is to connect up a network of contracts by a uniform set of rules and thus give them multilateral force .
27 There were cited to your Lordships a number of cases involving the abstraction of moneys from a limited company by a person who was in a position to give the consent of the company to the abstraction .
28 Objectives ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) could consist of checks after a preliminary period of revision or practice carried out by the student on her own .
29 He had reached that most difficult of ages for a successful actor , his forties .
30 I was working and all of a sudden and one the woman began to sing Rock of Ages in a loud voice and then the man joined in and I sort of thought I heard sort of and I thought oh , they 've got a bottle which they 've taken out of their pockets which they were passing from side to side .
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